If filtering is not working as expected, try checking:
Your Layout is set to output taxonomies and you have chosen a suitable taxonomy filtering strategy (only applies if you are using taxonomy tags for filtering)
You have added the filter values you want to use to the Paligo database. This is especially relevant if you use taxonomy tags as you need to add the tag for the filter value and also add the filter value to the database. For details, see Add the Filter Values.
You have applied the filter taxonomy tags to the topics. To learn how to find out which topics have a taxonomy tag, see Find Content with Taxonomies View.
You have applied the filter attribute and filter value to the relevant element. You may have accidentally applied it to a different element instead.
You have applied the filtering settings in the publishing dialog correctly. Remember that you tell Paligo what you want to include.
If you are having problems with scoped filtering, check the regular filtering troubleshooting steps above first. Then check to see if:
Scoped filtering is enabled in your Layout.
Your reused topic is a child of a parent topic in the publication structure. It has to be a child topic.
You have forgotten to apply filters to the parent topics as well as the reused child topic.
For details, see Enable Scoped Filtering Set Up Scoped Filtering.
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