To provide feedback in your review or contribution, use comments. You can view any existing comments in the comments sidebar, and you can add new comments and reply to comments.
You can also set up notifications so that Paligo emails you when new comments are made. For old comments, there is an archiving feature, which lets you save and hide those comments that have been dealt with.
To learn how to locate a comment, get notifications about comments, change the status of a comment or archive comments, see Feedback in Review View. These features work the same in both views.
When providing feedback comments in Paligo, the comments will appear in the Comments sidebar. As a contributor, you can also add replies to comments in the Comments Sidebar. Adding comments in Edit View can be done in two ways:
If not activating Edit View, it works the same as in Review View. You add a comment by selecting a text or phrase and then entering your feedback.
When Edit View is activated, use the Comment toolbar option to add a comment to the content you are editing.
To learn more about the features, see Edit View Features.
The following instruction will show how to add comments when Edit Mode is activated.
Select the assignment in the Assignments Panel.
The view that opens varies, depending on the Assignment Types.
For alternative ways to open an assignment, see Different Ways to Open Assignments.
Select the content that you want to apply the comment to.
Alternatively, you can position the cursor anywhere inside the text fragment to comment on the whole paragraph.
Select Add Comment in the Contributor Editor Toolbar.
Enter your comment in the box that appears in the Comments sidebar to the right.
Select Save below the comment box.
Paligo saves the comment. A yellow highlight is shown around the content to indicate that it has a comment.
You can make changes to previous comments you have made and you can also reply to other people's comments.
When you mention another Paligo user in a comment, they get a direct link to that exact place in the publication. Use the @ symbol and then start typing their name. Select the person you want to notify from the list.
If you want to change a comment you have made, you can edit it:
In the comments sidebar, select the comment you want to edit.
If the comment has been archived, you will need to restore it before you can edit it.
Select the Edit option, make your changes, and then select Save.
To reply to a comment that someone else has made:
By default, any content that has a comment associated with it is shown with a yellow highlight. If you prefer to work without the comment highlights, you can turn them off by using the Show / Hide comments option in the Contributor Editor Toolbar.
Toggle the highlights on and off by selecting the Show / Hide Comments option.
Article is closed for comments.