The tree of items you can choose to style in the Layout Editor is divided into several sections. Each section is described below, with the items you can style and the options available for them.
Many of the items and options are self-explanatory and have explanations right in the Layout Editor. So only the items that may not be immediately transparent are explained below.
Learn how to set the footnote appearance for HTML, HTML5 and SCORM output, see Footnote Settings (HTML).
Category |
Description |
Use titleabbrev in breadcrumb titles |
Use to control whether Paligo uses the full title in the breadcrumb links or an abbreviated title. The abbreviated title comes from the text in a titleabbrev element which you need to add to your topics. For details, see Use Title Abbreviations. |
SEO-friendly Output Filenames |
Enable if you want SEO-friendly link names based on the names of the topics in your output, instead of unique ids. The link will also stay permanent if the topic name stays the same (the topic title is irrelevant). You can change the name of a topic without changing the filename that is produced in the output. This is useful if you need to keep the existing URL for a page. To change the topic name but keep the existing filename, add the If the title used to be "Introduction to ACME", the auto-generated output file name would be "introduction-to-acme.html". If you now change the title to "Introducing ACME", that would change the output file name to "introducing-acme.html". You can then add |
Use a short and flat URL structure for output files |
If you have SEO-friendly Output Filenames enabled, output paths will have a nested folder structure, by default. Enabling this option will instead create a flat URL structure, generating shorter URL paths. (Always enabled automatically if you select Ajax loading below) Default: Disabled |
Use output file names made from id and SEO name |
When flat URL structure or Ajax loading is enabled, the output file name is based on the Default: Disabled |
Allow reserved characters in output file names |
Some characters, such as commas and semicolons are classed as "reserved" characters. Use this setting to control whether reserved characters can be used in output file names. Set it to Enabled to allow reserved characters or Disabled to prevent them being used. Default: Disabled |
Reader-friendly fragment identifiers (hash links) |
Enable this feature if you want links to subsections to use reader-friendly names instead of unique id names (UUIDs). For example, Note that you also need to have the SEO-friendly Output File Names feature enabled, Disable this feature if you want the output to use unique id names. Default: Disabled To find out more, see Reader-Friendly URLs for Subsections. |
Preserve legacy anchors if using reader-friendly fragment identifiers |
Enable this feature if you are using reader-friendly hash links and you want to support:
Disable this feature if you are using reader-friendly hash links and you do not want to support existing links that use the UUID. If there are links that use the UUID, they will no longer work. Default: Disabled To find out more, see Reader-Friendly URLs for Subsections. |
Multiple publication portal prefix |
Enable this setting if you:
When this setting is enabled, the output names for the sub-publications are unique, as Paligo adds the publication id to the output file name. Disable this setting if the two points we have described do not apply to your content. Default: Disabled |
Use resource name instead of title for HTML output filename |
Use to control whether Paligo uses the topic name (resource name) or the title name when it creates the output file name for topics. Set to Enabled to use the topic name or Disabled to use the title. Note that this setting applies to all topics. If you only want certain topics to use the topic name, you can give those topics the xinfo:outname attribute instead. Then set the attribute value to the name of the topic. Default: Disabled |
Keep the letter case of the title for the HTML output file name |
Use this setting to control whether output names are all lower case or can use upper case letters too. By default, the output file names only use lower case letters, for example, my-topic.html. Set to Disabled for lower case only or Enabled to allow upper case letters. We recommend that you only set this to Enabled if you have a specific reason for using upper case letters. Default: Disabled |
Ajax load content |
When enabled, the HTML content will be dynamically loaded for each page, making the page switching very fast. Note that you have to publish the output on a server for this to work. |
Enable local context-sensitive help |
You do not have to enable this to get context-sensitive help. It is by default enabled, but the default requires the content to be published on a web server, which is the most common. If, however, you have a requirement to have the context-sensitivity work on a local help package without a web server, you can enable this option. Default: Disabled |
Custom meta tags |
Enter global custom meta tags as key-value pairs (name/content) here. E.g to add a 'noindex' tag, to exclude web site from search engine indexing, you would enter 'robots:noindex, follow;' End each key-value pair with a semi colon. NoteOnly for global tags. Specific meta tags can be added directly in your topic. Meta keyword tags can be added through a If you use the Default: Disabled |
Custom meta tag separator |
Use to change the meta tag separator character from a colon to a different character. Paligo uses the colon character as the meta tag separator by default. If your meta tag pairs use the colon character in their names or values, you will need to change the separator character. |
Custom meta tag pair terminator |
Use to change the meta tag terminator character from a semi-colon to a different character. Paligo uses the semi-colon character as the meta tag terminator by default. If your meta tag pairs use the semi-colon character in their names or values, you will need to change the terminator character. |
Output info elements |
This setting only applies to HTML5 Help Center Layouts. If enabled, this sets all info elements to be hidden in the output. If disabled, all info elements are visible in the output. Info elements are elements that, in Paligo, are children of the |
Output info elements filter |
This setting only applies to HTML5 Help Center Layouts. If you have enabled Output info elements, Paligo will include all "info" elements when you publish. By using the Output info elements filter, you can tell Paligo to hide specific elements, but include the rest. Enter the names of the elements you want Paligo to hide. Separate the names with a semi-colon, for example: authorgroup;releaseinfo |
Create a title topic for reused publications |
If you reuse publications within another publication, you can select whether that publication should be treated as a top-level topic, or if only its child topics should be reused, see Layout Settings for Parent Publications and Choose Publication Topic Behavior. This setting needs to be enabled for the filtering to work for the parent publication. Default: Enabled. |
Only create topic for reused publications if no top-level topic |
With this option enabled, you can mix reused publications where there is a top-level topic in some (in which case no title topic will be created for the publication), together with publications that have no top-level topic (in which case a title topic will be created for the publication). Default: Disabled |
Sort glossary automatically |
Use to control whether Paligo automatically sorts your glossary entries alphabetically. For details, see Sort Glossary Alphabetically. |
Bibliography style |
Use to control whether bibliographies use the normal structure or the ISO-690 structure, see Set Up an ISO 690 Bibliography. |
Bibliography auto numbering |
Use to control whether Paligo applies automatic numbering to bibliography entries, see Bibliography Auto-Numbering. |
Bibliography auto-title |
Use to control whether Paligo adds a "Bibliography" title for your bibliographies. If you have a bibliography in a separate topic and it has two "Bibliography" titles, you should disable this feature. (The two titles are because one title is for the topic and the other title is auto-generated for the bibliography). For details, see Deactivate Bibliography Auto-Titles. |
Format output |
Usually not required, but if desired, HTML Tidy will be applied on the output to ensure strict XHTML format. |
Copy anchor URL on click |
When enabled, a link icon appears when you hover over a heading in the middle of a page. Clicking it copies the anchor url to the clipboard for easy sharing of a section. Default: Disabled |
Update URL on scroll |
When enabled, the url in the browser address field will update as you scroll down a page to sub sections. This makes it easy to copy the url for any part of the content and improves usability. This is normally a good idea, and the default is only disabled for backward compatibility. Default: disabled. |
Company name |
This setting only applies to HTML5 Help Center Layouts. Enter the company name that Paligo will use in copyright information. For example, Acme Products. |
Copyright year |
This setting only applies to HTML5 Help Center Layouts. If your publication topic contains the |
Last modified date |
If you add a date format here, the last modified date for each topic will be output in the page footer. E.g 'm/d/Y' (no quotes) for '03/25/2018', 'Y-m-d' for '2018-03-25', or 'F j, Y' for 'March 25, 2018'. Leave empty to exclude the date. |
Today's date for publication date |
Use to set the date format for the publication (pubdate element in a publication topic). Leave empty to exclude the date. For details, see Change Publication Date and Time Format (HTML5). |
Use translatable publication date |
If the publication date is set to use a full text format, Paligo can automatically translate the date into other languages. For example, Wednesday in English is replaced by Mittwoch in German and Mercredi in French. For details, see Change Publication Date and Time Format (HTML5). |
Use leading zero padding |
Use to control whether single digit dates have a leading zero, for example, 03 instead of 3. For details, see Change Publication Date and Time Format (HTML5). |
Color-mark non-approved translations |
If the source language has changed since last translation, you can have this indicated with blue highlighting in the output (for draft publishing). |
Category |
Description |
Use cookie consent popup |
If you are using any of the integrations below you should enable this popup to comply with global regulations regarding cookies, see Enable or Disable Cookie Consent Popup. |
Privacy policy link |
If you use the cookie consent popup, you must enter the URL to your privacy policy, see Enable or Disable Cookie Consent Popup. |
Google Analytics |
Add your property id (or "tracking id") to connect Google Analytics to your HTML5 output. Also select whether you want to use the analytics.js tag or the global site tag (default), see Connect Google Analytics. |
Mixpanel tracking |
If you want to integrate with Mixpanel analytics, see Connect Paligo to Mixpanel. |
Disqus comments |
To get a section at the bottom of each topic with discussion threads, where users can add feedback, enable this with your Disqus domain. |
Intercom chat |
If you use Intercom, you can add the chat widget here to communicate live with your customers as they browse your help site, see Connect Paligo to Intercom. |
Use Lightbox for images |
If enabled, clicking images in the HTML5 output will enlarge them to full size. Default: disabled for legacy HTML5, enabled for the Help Center output, see Lightbox for Images. |
Use thumbnails for all mediaobject (block) images |
If enabled, every image in the HTML5 output will be rendered as a small thumbnail (for content where you want to reduce the space images take up), see Thumbnail Images. |
Category |
Description |
Output taxonomies |
When enabled, taxonomies will be part of the output, and is automatically propagated as class names. If this option is enabled, taxonomies can also be used for filtering and more below. Default: Disabled |
Value structure for taxonomy class names |
You can set whether class names from taxonomies should output the value and all its descendant values in a taxonomy tree, just the value itself, or the value and its parent. Default: Value and descendants |
Underscore delimiter for taxonomy class names |
When enabled, an underscore ('_') will be used to separate the parts of a taxonomy value output for class names in HTML5, instead of a dash ('-'). For most common purposes this is not necessary, but can be useful if you need to further process the separate parts of the value. Default: Disabled |
Taxonomy filtering strategy |
You can set whether taxonomies should be used for filtering, and whether to output the value and all its descendant values in a taxonomy tree, or just the value itself. If you want to enable taxonomies for filtering, the most recommended value is to select "Descendants" to take advantage of the hierarchy of a taxonomy. Default: Disabled |
Relationship taxonomy |
Select any taxonomy to create relationship links. Enter the exact name of the taxonomy node (usually the root of a sub tree right under Taxonomies). Separate multiple names with a semicolon. Leave empty if you don't want to use taxonomies for relationship links. See TOC and Chunking for options how to output the related topic links in your output. Default: none (empty) |
Create HTML meta tags from taxonomies |
Creates meta tags with the root (name) of the taxonomy tree as the name attribute, and the value as the content attribute. Multiple values will be separated by a comma. The 'Output taxonomies' option must also be enabled. Default: Disabled |
Output |
If enabled, you can get your role attributes into your output as class names for further processing (e.g by css and javascript). |
Output profile/filtering attributes as class names |
If enabled, you can get your profile/filtering attributes into your output as class names for further processing (e.g by css and javascript), such as creating "on-the-fly" filtering. |
Use |
If enabled, the language attribute |
Glossary popovers |
When enabled, glossary terms will display the definition in a pop over in HTML5 Help Center output, when the user hovers over it. Note: This currently has no effect on legacy HTML5. Default: enabled for Help Center output. |
Category |
Description |
Enable cross-reference auto-title customization |
When enabled, the cross-reference auto-title customizations below can be used. Otherwise legacy cross-reference auto-text is used, or any stylesheet customization you may have. Default: Disabled |
Cross-reference auto-title |
Determines the format of the generated text for cross-references. See Cross-Reference Settings for options available. Default: 'title page', which produces a format like 'My Topic Title (page x)'. |
Cross-reference auto-title for formal elements |
Determines the format of the generated text for cross-references for formal elements (like tables, figures, examples). See Cross-Reference Settings for options available. Default: 'default', which produces a format like 'Example 5, "My Title"'. |
Cross-reference label/title separator |
Punctuation or space separating label (if used) from title in cross-references, when the auto-title parameter above is set. Default: ':s', which produces a format like 'Example 5: "My Title"'. |
Category |
Description |
Logotype |
Add your logotype to replace the Paligo logo in the output. Use CSS to style it. For the Help Center output this is only used in the content pages. Set the portal page logo below. |
Help Center portal page logotype |
Set the logo to use for the portal page. This can be different than the one used on the main content pages to match the theme. |
Logo link |
By default, the logo in your HTML5 output will go to the main home page of the help itself. If you want it to go somewhere else, such as to your company home page, enter a URL here. NoteThis option should only be used if you are not using the portal page, or have another (customized) home link, as there will otherwise be no way to get back to that page. Leave empty to use the default. |
Open external logo link in the same tab |
If you have selected a logo link (see Logo link setting), the link will open in a new tab by default. But you can change that behavior by using the Open external logo link in the same tab setting. Choose enable to open the link in the same tab or disable or default to open the link in a new tab. |
Upload your own CSS to modify the default layout. |
Persistent custom CSS filename |
By default, your custom CSS file will get a unique name, everytime you upload a new update. The unique name is generated when you publish. To keep the same CSS file name and prevent it from changing, set Persistent custom CSS filename to Enabled. The CSS file name will then be set to 'layout-custom-style.css' and it will not change. |
Help Center portal page background image |
This image will be used for the header banner (or "hero") section of the portal page. |
Custom javascript |
You can upload your own javascript to add functionality to your HTML5 output |
Global custom javascript |
Use this option to add a reference to a file called 'user-custom-script.js' to every HTML file in the output. You can then add the 'user-custom-script.js' file to the output after it is published. In most cases, it is more convenient to upload your custom JavaScript file to the layout (using the Custom javascript option. But if you want to use the same javascript with a number of different layouts, you may prefer to use the Global custom javascript feature instead, so that you do not have to upload and update it separately for every layout. |
Select jQuery version |
Use to choose the version of jQuery that Paligo should use for the output. The default is 3.4.1 but you can change to another version if you need:
Place scripts at the end of the body tag |
Use to control where scripts are added in the HTML output. Typically, you would only change this setting if you are using javascript that has to be run after the body of the page has loaded. For details, see Position the JavaScript References. |
Avoid cached JS and CSS on republishing |
Choose enabled if you have made changes to the CSS or JS for your help center and you need these changes to apply immediately when you publish. Note that the CSS and JS files will be given different filenames to those used previously. Set to disabled or default if you do not want the browser to reload the assets and apply the recent changes. For example, if you have a custom webserver configuration that handles caching. |
Add a Favicon |
Upload an .ico or .png file here to use as your favicon. Even if you use .png, make sure to name your file 'favicon.ico' for it to be recognized. The favicon will only be visible when published on a web server. |
Custom favicon path |
If you publish your help to a subfolder on a domain, enter the path to the folder of your help here. Use either an absolute web URL or a slash to specify the root of the server. Leave this field blank if you publish your help to the root of the web domain. |
Add a robots.txt file |
Upload a For details, see Upload a Robots.txt File. |
Create sitemap |
Use to set Paligo to generate a sitemap.xml file for SEO and search engine crawling. When using this feature, you also need to provide the Publishing destination path. For details, see Create a Sitemap for your Help Center. |
Publishing destination path |
If you want to publish a sitemap.xml file, you also need to add the final destination domain where you will publish your content. Paligo will use this to provide the full absolute path of each topic in the sitemap.xml file. For example: |
Add canonical URL link |
Use this option if you need to:
For details, see Set Canonical URL Links for your Help Center. |
The term Formal elements comes from the content model. It basically is an umbrella term for elements like lists, figures, tables, equations, examples. In this section you can make general settings applying to all such elements consistently if desired.
Note that any settings you make on a higher level (General) can be overridden if you set another value on a lower level (like "informalexample")
Most options are self-explanatory and not described here.
Category |
Description |
Use separate styling for label, number, and title in formal elements |
If enabled, each part of the title for a formal elements, like a table, example, or figure, will get a span element with a specific class name, so they can be styled differently or excluded, using CSS. Default: Disabled |
Restart auto-label numbering |
If enabled, tables, figures, and examples will restart their numbering for each topic, section (including internal sections inside topics), or chunk. Default: continuous numbering throughout the publication. |
Exclude label for abstract |
If enabled, the label for an abstract is excluded from output. This is useful if you do not need it, and if publishing to multiple formats where hiding it with CSS does not work. Default: Disabled |
Category |
Description |
Base theme |
There are a number of base themes to choose from for the Help Center output. Choose the one you want to base your own layout on. |
Content theme |
Besides the main base theme, you can also choose between different content themes, affecting mainly the body content, such as the styling of admonitions, lists, etc. |
Sticky header |
For the Help Center themes, you can enable a sticky header that is always visible when you scroll. Default: disabled |
Full width header |
For the Help Center themes, you can make the header in the main content pages full width. Default: disabled |
Graphical lists |
For the "Help Center" output only: When enabled, graphical numbers are used for procedures, etc (can be further customized by CSS). Default: enabled |
If you have a multi-language output, Paligo will by default highlight untranslated content in red and prefix it with the Source Language within square brackets.
You can choose to suppress this feature by deactivating the setting Highlight non-translated content. This setting is available in the Layout Editor for HTML output (such as HTML5, Zendesk, Salesforce, Freshdesk and ServiceNow).
The following instruction shows how to edit this setting for HTML5 output:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select General in the sidebar.
Scroll down to Highlight non-translated content in HTML5 output.
Use this setting to control whether untranslated content should be highlighted or not. Select:
Enable to highlight untranslated content in red and prefix it with the Source Language (for example [en]). Default
Disable to suppress the visualization of untranslated content.
Select Save.
Category |
Description |
Image title attribute |
Use to output a title attribute on the image in your output. The title appears in a tooltip when you hover over the image (in the output). Default: Disabled To find out more, see Hover Text using the Image Title. |
Use lightbox for images |
Use to enable or disable the lightbox feature for images in your output. When Lightbox is enabled, you can select an image in the published output and the image will display at full size. If Lightbox is disabled, selecting the image has no effect. Default: Enabled for HTML5 help center. Disabled for legacy HTML layouts. To find out more, see Lightbox for Images. |
Use thumbnails for all mediaobject (block) images |
Use to control whether every image in the HTML5 output appears as a small "thumbnail" image. Enabling this feature is useful if you want to reduce the amount of space that images use on the page. But note that this setting applies to all images. NoteIf you want to use thumbnails on all images, you should also make sure you have the Use lightbox for images option enabled. You may find it more useful to apply thumbnails to only certain images, rather than all of them. To do this, leave this setting disabled and then add a Default width for thumbnails is 250px. You can change that in your custom CSS if you want. Default: Disabled To find out more, see Thumbnail Images. |
Image size |
To find out more, see Adjust Image Resolution. |
Category |
Description |
Use Algolia search |
If you want to use the high-end Algolia search engine in your help output, enable this. (Requires separate Algolia subscription). |
If you prefer a crawler-based indexing search engine, Elastic Search (Swiftype) is another powerful option. To enable Swiftype, add the key (only) from the code snippet in the Swiftype control panel. |
Use fuzzy search |
If you do not want to use Algolia, and the default search is not your preference, the fuzzy search is another built-in option. |
Use multilingual support for default search |
If using the default search, but you need support for multiple languages, enable this. Disabled by default since it adds unnecessary files if you don't have the need for multilingual publishing. |
Include excerpt snippets |
Applies to default search or fuzzy search, if you use one of them you should normally enable it. Disabled by default only for backward compatibility. Algolia search always has snippets by default. |
Use breadcrumbs path in search results |
If you use the snippets option (required for this option), you will also get a path for the result topic. This can be the exact path with the HTML file name, or a more user-friendly breadcrumbs path with the titles of the topics. Default: Breadcrumbs made from titles enabled. |
Category |
Description |
Output classes for styling of tables |
It is recommended to enable this setting. The only reason it is not enabled by default is for backward compatibility. Enabling it will make the publish process output class names and these will be used for e.g borders, rather than obsolete attributes for borders and rules. |
Frame options |
For either table or informaltable, set the frame (the border around the entire table) default. For no frame, set "void". For frame around the entire table, set "border" or "box". See this page for more on the options: Table options |
Rules options |
For either table or informaltable, set the rules (the border between cells) default. For no border, set "none". For borders between all cells, set "all". See this page for more on the options: Table options |
Re-sort sorted tables automatically on publish |
Even if you have sorted a table in the editor, re-sorting them on publish can be useful for example if you publish to multiple languages (in which case the sort order may be different), or if you have missed updating the sort before you publish. Default: enabled. |
Extra responsive table features |
Use to give tables extra responsive features. These include a column filter button so that readers can control which table columns are shown and a sticky table header. You can use the features for all tables, selected tables only, or turn the extra responsive features off. To find out more, see Enable Column Filter and Sticky Header. Default: Disabled |
TOC settings are for controlling options for the Table of Contents in your HTML output.
Chunking settings are for controlling the size of your topics in the HTML output. They define whether a topic appears on a page on its own, or can be a subsection of another page. To find out more about using chunking, see Use Chunking to Control Subsections.
Category |
Description |
Standalone TOC |
If enabled, the Table of Contents will not be created inside each HTML file, but rather as a standalone file, inserted by javascript when rendering the page. This makes HTML files smaller and so they will load faster in the browser. Faster page loading times are better for SEO. For details, see Include TOC or Load Standalone TOC. Default: Disabled |
TOC section depth |
Use to define the number of levels in your table of contents. For example, if you set it to 4, the table of contents will show links for topics that are at level 1, 2, 3, and 4 in your publication. The levels are nested in your table of contents to reflect the publication structure. Any topics that are at a lower level than that are not shown in the table of contents, but still exist in your output. |
Only include chunks in TOC |
If enabled, only those topics which become chunks (according to your settings) will be included in the TOC. Chunks are topics that are on their own web page and cannot be subsections of other topics. If you enable this setting, any internal section elements in a topic will not be included in the TOC. Default: Disabled |
Chunk section depth |
A chunk is a topic that is always on its own web page in the output. With the Chunk section depth setting, you can set all topics to be a chunk up to a certain level in the publication. For example, if you set the chunk section depth to 4, all topics from levels 1 to 4 in your publication will be on their own page. Once the chunk section level is reached, any lower-level topics will be added as subsections of their immediate parent topic. Each NoteIf you have publications nested inside other publications (sub-publications), each level of publication also counts as a chunking level. For example, let's say you have a publication, a sub-publication, and four levels of topics in the sub-publication. You want the topics to be chunked at two levels. For this, you would set the Chunk section depth to 4 (1 for the publication, 1 for the sub-publication, 1 for the top-level topics in the sub-publication, 1 for the second-level topics). Default: 3. |
Chunk first sections |
If enabled, a chunk will be created for the first top-level section elements in each component. Otherwise, that section will be part of the chunk for its parent. Default: Enabled. |
Use legacy section chunking |
This should in most cases be disabled. But if you want to enable legacy chunking, where any section element, whether an internal element in a topic or not, would be treated just like a topic, you can enable this. Default: Disabled |
Collapsible TOC |
Use to control whether the TOC is collapsible. This option is designed for use with Theme 2 and may need additional JS to work with other themes. |
Focus on current section on click |
Use this setting to control the behavior of the table of contents (TOC) in the published output. If you set this to enabled or default, and then select a sub-level topic, the TOC will collapse all "sibling" topics (topics at the same level as the topic you have selected). For example, let's say you have a TOC with 5 levels of topics. If you navigate down to the 5th level and select a topic, the TOC will update and show Levels 1-4 open, but level 5 closed. If you set Focus on current section on click to disabled, it creates a "sticky menu". This is where all levels of the TOC, from the top level to the topic you select, are opened. The TOC does not collapse the "sibling" topics. |
Collapse section in TOC when clicking on the link title |
Use to control the collapse behavior of the table of contents. You can set it to collapse and expand when a user: selects an entry's chevron or the title. Alternatively, you can set it to only or only when they select the chevron.
For details, see Control the TOC Collapse Behavior. |
Use H1 headings for topic chunks |
Use to control whether topic headings:
For details, see Use H1 Headings (HTML). Default: Publication hierarchy. |
Use section TOC |
Use to enable or disable section TOCs. These are tables of contents that appear at the top of topics that contain subsections. The TOC contains an entry for each subsection. For details, see Enable Section TOC (HTML5). |
Use a separate list of related topics |
If you want the list of separate topics to be separate from the "Section TOC" (list of child topics), this should be enabled. See for selecting a taxonomy to use for selecting related topics. Default: Enabled. |
Include child topics in related topics section |
If you are categorizing topics as related, and some of these topics happen to also be child topics of a related topic, you can choose to exclude such child topics here. Otherwise, if you also use the "Section TOC", which by default lists all child topics, you might get duplicate topics. See for selecting a taxonomy to use for selecting related topics. Default: Disabled |
Use page TOC |
Add a small page navigation (Table of Contents) for only the headings in the current page that highlights when you scroll, see Enable Page TOC. NoteIf you enable this, you should normally also enable 'Only include chunks in TOC', so headings in a single page are not displayed in the main navigation. This is currently only available for HTML5 Help Center theme 1 and 2 (not the "Preloaded" version). Default: Disabled |
Top navigation |
If you want to use a top navigation menu in your Help Center theme, enable this. You can select topics by using role attribute set to 'top-nav-link' or a taxonomy value named For this to work, you have to Enable Output Role Attribute as Class Names or Enable'Output taxonomies. If you only want external links, you set them below. Both types of top nav links can also be combined Default: Disabled |
Hide Top navigation links from Category Panel |
Use to control whether links that appear in your top-navigation menu can also appear in the Category Panel section of your Help Center's portal page. For details, see Hide Top-Navigation Links. |
Hide Top navigation link from TOC |
Use to control whether links that appear in your top-navigation menu can also appear in the table of contents. For details, see Hide Top-Navigation Links. |
Top navigation depth |
If top navigation is enabled, and topics have been selected as top nav links, select the depth of links here. If a topic has child topics that are chunked, the child topics will become a dropdown menu. Default: 2 |
External top navigation links |
If you have enabled top navigation and want to use links to external sites, add them here in the format Separate text and url with a comma, and end each link with a semicolon. These characters are special characters and must not be used in the text or url themselves. Default: none (empty) |
Use translation strings for external top navigation link text |
For external top navigation links, it is possible to have some such strings translated automatically. These strings need to be available in the default translation strings configuration, or added to a customization (on applicable plans). For example, if this option is enabled, using the string Default: Disabled |
Section numbering |
If you want section numbering in your HTML5 output, enable this option. Default: Disabled |
Appendix section labeling |
Use to control whether appendix labels appear on all sections in your appendices. The section labels only apply if the Section numbering setting is also enabled. For details, see Appendix Labels on Subsections. |
Section numbering max depth |
When section numbering is enabled, you can select the depth for which numbering is applied. Default: level 8 |
TOC sidebar placement (single page HTML5 only) |
For the single page HTML5 output, the TOC sidebar is place on the right by default. Select whether to place the Table of Contents sidebar on the left or right here. Default: Right |
Use chunking to control which sections will become a separate web page in an HTML / HTML5 output. The term "chunk" means that a topic has to be on its own and will always appear on a separate web page. By using the Layout editor, you can set the:
TOC section depth that defines the topic levels shown in the table of contents (TOC).
Chunk section depth that defines the topic levels that will appear on a separate web page in the HTML / HTML5 output. This is by default set to 3, which means that all sections from level 1 to 3 will appear on their own web page. Any lower level topics will appear as subsections of their immediate parent topic. To learn more, see TOC and Chunking.
You can override the Chunk section depth by adding the element attribute xinfo:chunk
to a topic. The topic will then appear on a separate web page, even if it is on a lower level than defined in the Chunk section depth, see Use Chunking to Control Subsections.
If you set the Chunk section depth higher than the TOC section depth, the topics on the lowest level will not be included in the TOC and will be harder to find.
The following will explain the possible settings when adding the element attribute xinfo:chunk
to a section.
Only topics are counted in the Chunk section depth. Subsections or components (reused sections) in a topic are not counted. They are always considered as subsections in the parent topic.
Value |
Description |
xinfo:chunk="yes" |
Means that the section starts a new HTML page and merges child sections as subsections on the same page. |
xinfo:chunk="yes" |
If above the Chunk section depth, a page is created for the chunk section, but not for the subsection at Chunk section depth. |
xinfo:chunk="yes" |
If below the Chunk section depth, a page is created for the chunk section and it will not be part of the page at Chunk section depth. |
xinfo:chunk="yes" |
You can add it on a subsection or reused section in a topic to create a new page. |
xinfo:chunk="no" |
Means that the section will be a subsection on the previous page. |
xinfo:chunk="no" |
If above the Chunk section depth, a page will not be created and the section will be a subsection in the parent page. |
xinfo:chunk="no" |
is below the Chunk section depth, it will have no effect, as all sections below Chunk section depth are already subsections of the previous page. |
xinfo:chunk="default" |
Means that the chunking will follow the defined Chunk section depth for the HTML / HTML5 layout. Same as for value No. |
Category |
Description |
Highlight verbatim elements |
Enable syntax highlighting for code elements. |
Highlight theme |
Select the theme for your syntax highlighting (many different background colors and highlighting themes) |
Use Font Awesome glyphs for code callouts |
If you use calloutlist for annotating code samples, you can use Font Awesome for the "callout bugs". This is the default for HTML5. |
Use graphics for code callouts |
If you'd prefer, you can use a graphic for the code callout, an svg image will then be used. Max 30 callouts with this option. |
Use unicode symbol for code callouts |
Another option is to use a unicode symbol for callouts. If this is set a symbol similar to the graphic and Font Awesome version will be used. Max 20 callouts with this option. |
Use code switcher for API style layout |
Enabled by default. Only disable e.g if you need to mix programming languages in the same output and always show all samples without the user switching. |
Graphical rendering of keycap |
Use this if you want the keycap elements to render as a keyboard key, like so: AltShiftV. |
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