Usually, in single-sourcing environments like Paligo, you would publish to PDF if you need documents for printing. However, sometimes it may be useful to publish to Microsoft Word instead of PDF. For example, if you want to create a draft of a Word document that can be revised for other purposes.
The MS Word output is designed for creating draft documents to publish and edit in Word. It is not a primary output in Paligo.
For printed documents, use PDF when possible. There are more options and capabilities when publishing from Paligo to PDF.
To publish to MS Word:
Prepare your content in Paligo, making sure you add your topics to a publication.
Create an MS Word layout, see Create a Layout or Edit a Layout.
Make sure the layout has a suitable template in place. If you leave the template setting empty, Paligo will use the default MS Word template. To apply your styling, you will need to download the template, edit it, and then upload it, see Style your MS Word Documents.
Use the layout settings to enable or disable taxonomy features and scoped filtering for your MS Word output.
Select Save.
Select the dotted menu (...) for the topic or publication in the Content Manager.
Select Publish.
Paligo displays the Publish document dialog.
Select Word.
Select the MS Word layout that you want to use for publishing. This could be the Default Word layout or a custom MS layout that you have created.
Select the languages to be published.
If no translations are available, only the Source Language will show. If you have multiple languages translated and approved, you can select which ones to include. Paligo will publish each language as a separate output.
For PDF output you can publish them as one multilingual publication, check the Combine selected languages box.
If your content is set up to use Filtering / Profiling, use the Profiling attributes section to apply them. [Optional]. If you do not use filtering, ignore this setting.
Select Edit and then choose the value for each filter that you want Paligo to use. For example, for Audience, choose Expert to include content that is marked as for expert users.
If you do not want to apply a filter, leave the field blank.
Select OK to add your chosen profiling attribute(s).
Use the Upload output section to upload a zip file of the content to a repository, see Integrations.
Use the Output filename section to control the filename.
By default, Paligo will use the filename syntax that is defined in the System Settings.
To change the information included in the filename, enter your preferred format in the publishing settings. Default is:
.You can use:
ID - The ID of the document.
Title - The title of the publication or topic that you are publishing.
Format - The name of the output format, for example, PDF or HTML5.
Edit date - The date that the publication or topic was last edited.
Branch label - The text from the branch label for the publication or topic. This only applies if your content has been branched and it has a branch label. For details, see Add or Edit Branch Labels.
Unique value - A random string of characters, generated by Paligo, that is added to the filename to make it unique. This can stop the file from being overwritten by later publishes of the same document.
Set the Optional Parameters (leave unchecked if you do not want these features):
Save the output in Paligo - Check the box to save the zip file that Paligo creates when you publish. The zip file will be available from the Resource View and you can download it from the Saved Outputs tab. Clear the box if you don't want Paligo to store the zip file.
Notify me - Check this box if you want Paligo to send you an email when the publication is ready. This is useful if you have very large publications that can take a longer time to process and publish.
Make debug build - Check this box if you want Paligo to include a log file and link report. If there is an issue with your content, Paligo support may ask you to enable this feature so that they can use the log files to investigate.
Select Publish Document.
Paligo starts processing your content and applies your layout and publishing settings. The time that this takes varies depending on how much content you are publishing (the more content, the longer it takes).
A progress bar appears. Select the arrow to hide the progress bar and reopen it by selecting the progress clock in the top menu. To abort the publish, select the X.
The published output appears as:
A ZIP file with the published output appears in the downloads folder on your computer.
If you have altered your browser's settings to store downloaded files somewhere else, the zip file will be found there instead.
If you are using a publishing integration, the zip file will also be sent to the relevant service.
A link in the Activity Feed Panel to download the published content.
To make the content available online, first unzip the file. You can then use the file locally or you can use an FTP client, such as Filezilla, to upload the unzipped content to a web server.
You can save your publishing settings and reuse them to achieve a smoother publishing process, see Publishing Settings. Any settings you save can also be used for Batch Publishing.
Unzip the file and open the Word document to see the output.
When you open the output, Word will ask you if you want to update the fields in the document. Choose Yes as this updates the table of contents.
The Word document contains the content from Paligo. It uses the styles from the template that is set in your layout (or the default template if you have not uploaded a template). To learn how to change the styles, see Style your MS Word Documents.
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