When publishing to XML (DocBook), you may want to limit the images to a certain size, or perhaps have no images at all. To control the image size, use the Image Size setting on your XML Layout:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the XML Layout that you are going to use for publishing.
Select Images.
Set the Image size.
You can choose from:
Do not include images
Paligo will create an XML output that does not contain any images.
Use original images
Paligo will keep the original size of the image files when it publishes the XML output.
Full size (2500 × 2500px, 120dpi)
Large (800 × 800px, 72dpi)
Medium (400 × 400, 72dpi)
Small (250 × 250px, 72dpi)
Select Save.
When you publish with this Layout, Paligo will apply your chosen image size to the XML output.
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