With the Permissions feature, you can restrict access to the editing features for folders and components such as topics and publications. For example, you could set a publication and its topics so that they can only be edited by specific users.
When permissions are in place:
All Paligo authors can open and view a folder or component
Only those Paligo authors with permission to edit can make changes, such as altering the text, deleting a component, or moving it.
Typically, you would use permissions when want to prevent certain users from making changes. For example, you could have some complex content that you only want senior, experienced writers to work on. For that, you could give the senior writers permission to edit. Less experienced junior writers would be able to view the content, but could not make changes to it.
If you are new to permissions, we recommend that you read How Permissions Work. This explains how permissions affect folders, components, and Paligo features such as content reuse, variables, and translations.
When you are ready to apply permissions to your own content, first consider creating user groups. User groups can make it quicker and easier to set up permissions for multiple users at once. Then you can Set Up Permissions for your folders and components.
To learn how to disable permissions, see Remove Permissions.
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