If you want to buy Paligo licenses for the first time and your trial has expired, you will be unable to log in. To make a purchase, contact <sales@paligo.net>
, so that we can set you up with an account manager.
If you are an existing customer and you want to upgrade to another plan or buy additional licenses:
Log in to Paligo via a user account that has administrator permissions.
Select the avatar in the top-right corner.
Select Settings from the menu.
Select Your license tab.
Select Upgrade License button in the lower left corner.
Make sure that your Personal Information is correct and choose Your Order.
For your order, select the:
Plan what you want to order.
The number of full author licenses you want.
Full authors have access to the main Paligo editor, which has all of the advanced authoring features.
Preferred currency.
Preferred payment schedule.
In the Order Overview, make sure that the details of your order are correct. If they are wrong, you can use the Previous button at the bottom to return to the previous display.
You can also add more Reviewer Licenses and Contributor Licenses if you need those. Reviewers can make comments on the content, but cannot change it. Contributors can edit the content, but do not have access to the full Paligo editor, and so have a more limited experience than full authors. To find out more, see Working in Review View and Working in Edit View.
When your order is correct, select Next.
Select Finish.
Paligo will either invoice you for the next payment or it will be charged to the credit card associated with your account. If you need to change the credit card or your payment details, please contact customer support.
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