If you want to break the relationship between a branch and its original version, use the Convert to Main Branch option. This removes the branching and turns your branched publication/topic into a regular unbranched publication/topic.
Example 2. ACME 1000 and ACME 1000X
Let's say you create some documentation for a product called "Acme 1000". A special version of the product, called "Acme 1000X", is scheduled for release so you create a branch that you can use to work on its documentation.
Some way into the project, it is decided that the "Acme 1000X" was going to become a completely different product called "Acme SmartHub". At this point, you decide that the documentation needs to be separate and so you want to break the "branch relationship" between the branch and the original version. To do that, you use Convert to Main Branch.
Select the branched publication or topic in the Content Manager.
Select the dotted menu ( ... ) to the right of one of the selected publications or topics.
Select Branching and choose Convert to Main Branch.
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