Paligo has two different modes for branching:
Simplified branching - With simplified branching, you can only have one main branch. All branches must be created from that same branch. This means that you cannot create branches from other branches.
Consecutive branching - Consecutive branching lets you create a new branch from any content, even from other branches.
Paligo recommends that you use Consecutive branching as it provides more functionality and allows both simple branching and more complex branching scenarios.
To choose the branching mode for your Paligo instance:
Sign in to Paligo using a user account that has administrator permissions.
Select the avatar in the top-right corner.
Select Settings from the menu.
Select the System Settings tab.
Use the Consecutive branching slider to toggle between the modes:
Slider to the right - Consecutive branching is enabled.
Slider to the left - Simplified branching will be used.
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