Learn how to use Paligo's "Salesforce Preflight" to control what content gets published to Salesforce Knowledge. This article explains Preflight for Salesforce Knowledge Layouts.
If you publish with a Salesforce Knowledge Layout, you can use Salesforce Preflight to preview what will be published. It provides a provides a visual representation of what will happen in Salesforce Knowledge when you publish.
If you are using a Salesforce Nested Layout, see Salesforce Preflight for Nested Layouts
Use Salesforce Preflight to:
Preview the publishing and see what content Paligo is going to add, update, or delete from Salesforce Knowledge
Control which Paligo topics are published to Salesforce Knowledge
Set the status of articles to draft or published
Remotely delete articles in Salesforce Knowledge.
The following steps guide you through each part of Salesforce Preflight.
Display Salesforce Preflight.
Locate your topic or publication in the Content Manager and select its dotted menu (...).
Select Publish to display the Publish document dialog.
Select HTML and then select the Salesforce Knowledge Layout that you want to use for publishing.
Apply your publishing preferences.
To learn about the publishing settings, see Publish to Salesforce Knowledge.
Select the Preflight tab.
Look at the hierarchy in the Current publication tab. This shows how the publication's topics will be mapped to Articles in Salesforce Knowledge.
Entries with a green and white plus icon are going to be added by Paligo.
Entries with a blue recycling icon already exist in Salesforce Knowledge and are going to be updated by Paligo.
Entries with a warning icon need your attention.
To learn how to solve the problems, see Warnings and Errors in Salesforce Preflight.
Use the blue checkboxes to control which topics Paligo will publish to Salesforce Knowledge:
Check the box to include the topic in the publication
Clear the box to exclude it from the publication.
To view the details of an article, select its cog icon. The details are shown in the Active component tab.
They include:
A link to the topic in Paligo.
Choose from:
Use global to set the article to use the Global setting (see next step). Use global is the default setting for articles.
Draft to create or update the article as a draft in your Salesforce Knowledge instance. It cannot be seen by your end-users until you publish it locally, in Salesforce.
If a published version of the article already exists, that remains in place. Your end-users will still be able to see it (until you publish the new draft version).
Published to send the article as a "live" published article. It will appear in your Salesforce Knowledge instance and will be available to your end-users.
If your Salesforce Knowledge instance contains a draft version of the article that you publish, Paligo will delete the draft.
The type of Salesforce Knowledge resource. For Salesforce Knowledge Layouts, this is always Article.
URL preview
A plain text version of the URL Paligo predicts will be used in Salesforce when it publishes. This focuses on the part of the URL that is specific to the article.
If you move the article in Salesforce Knowledge after publishing, the article-specific part of the URL should remain the same, even if the full URL is different.
Select the Global tab and set the Status. The status you choose here will apply to any articles that have the Use default status in their individual settings.
Choose from:
Published to set all the "Use default" articles to be published as "live" articles that can be seen by your end-users.
Draft to set all the "Use default" articles to be published as a "draft". They will exist in your Salesforce Knowledge instance, but cannot be seen by your end-users until you publish them. You can publish them in Salesforce Knowledge.
Look at the top of the Preflight tab for information about what Paligo will do when you publish.
The Create panel shows you how many new resources Paligo will create in Salesforce Knowledge. These are resources that Paligo has not published to Salesforce Knowledge before (or if it has, it no longer has the mapping in place).
The Update panel shows how many mapped articles Paligo will update. These resources are already mapped as Paligo has published them to Salesforce Knowledge before and remembers them.
The Delete panel shows how many Salesforce Knowledge resources Paligo will remove when you publish.
Use the Salesforce tab to view a list of all the other articles that currently exist in your Salesforce Knowledge instance.
The list does not include any articles from the publication you are currently publishing. This applies even if you have published the articles in the publication before.
This can be useful if you want to:
Find out the names of articles that are already in Salesforce Knowledge. Select the cog icon for the article and look at the Active Component tab in the side panel.
Use Paligo to remotely delete articles that already exist in Salesforce Knowledge. Select the article and then select its delete icon. For details, see Delete Salesforce Articles and Navigational Topics .
The Salesforce tab does not include any articles for the content you are about to publish, even if they have been published to Salesforce Knowledge before. It only shows the other content that exists in your Salesforce Knowledge instance.
If you are happy with the mapping, you can either:
Select Publish to start the publishing process.
Select Close to return to the Publish document dialog. You can publish from there as well as change any publishing settings, such as languages, variables, and filters (see Publish to Salesforce Knowledge).
If you cancel any changes you have made, such as name changes to articles, select Reset Preflight. This resets the content to how it was at the time you opened the Preflight tab.
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