About Authoring
- Publications
- Create a Publication
- Add Content to a Publication
- Duplicate Publications
- Exclude Content from Publication TOC
- Forks
- Topics
- The Basics of Topic Editing
- Check-in and Check-out
- Create a Topic
- Headings and Subheadings
- Open a Topic
Elements and Attributes
- Elements and Attributes
- Add Elements
- Add a Sequence of UI Options
- Add Labels
- Attributes
- Author Remarks
Cross-References and Links
- Cross-References and Links
- Types of Cross-References and Links
- Add Cross-Reference to a Topic
- Add a Cross-Reference to a Fork
- Add Cross-Reference Within the Topic
- Add a Cross-Reference to a Branch
Delete Content
- Delete Content
- Delete Topics, Folders or Other Components
- Rules for Deleting Reused Content
- Find and Remove Dependencies
- Restore Deleted Content
- Move to Trash
- eLearning
- eLearning Workflow
- Create an eLearning Publication
- Set a Minimum Passing Score
- Add Information Topics for eLearning
- Quiz Topic
Lists and Procedures
- Lists and Procedures
- Create a List or Procedure
- Types of Lists
- Procedures
- Ordered Lists
- Unordered Lists
Software and Code Documentation
- Software and Code Documentation
- General Software Elements
- Code Blocks in Your Content
- Code in a Paragraph (Inline Code)
- Embed Code from an External Source
- Syntax Highlighting
- Subsections
- Create Subsections
- Accordions (Collapsible Sections)
- Convert Subsections into Separate Topics
- Reader-Friendly URLs for Subsections
- Section Subtitle Styling (PDF)
- Tables
- Tables and Informal Tables
- Add Row or Column
- Add Table Footer
- Create a Table
- Display Table Settings
- Taxonomies
- The Benefits of Taxonomies
- Taxonomies Workflow
- Categorize Content with Taxonomies
- Working in Taxonomy Manager
- Taxonomies in the Content Manager