The remark element is a regular DocBook Element and works like an internal comment (author notes) inside the topic. For example it can be used as a tip, an internal instruction or a reminder for other authors. It will only be visible to authors working in the Editor View and not displayed to the end users.
The remark element is not handled via the Element Attributes Panel since it has no profiling values. It is visualized in the enclosing "box" highlighted in yellow with a lock and a green speech bubble.
By default, the remark element comments are not shown in published output. But there is a way to include them in the PDF output, see The Basics of Topic Editing. However it cannot be made to appear in an HTML output.
A remark element has no relation to the Review or Contribution assignments and will not be a part of those.
Place the cursor where the remark element is to be inserted.
Press Alt + Enter ⏎ (Windows) or Command ⌘ + Enter ⏎ (Mac) to display the Element Context Menu.
Enter Remark and select it from the Element Context Menu.
Enter the internal comment.
Select Save.
This section describes how to remove a remark.
Select the Remark element in the topic.
Place the cursor in the Element Structure Menu below the tool bar.
Select the element and choose Delete.
Select Save.
Author remarks are comments in code, where the comment is part of the topic, but not displayed to your end users. Author remarks have no relation to the feedback comments in reviews and are not part of the review "conversation".
Via the Layout Editor you can choose to include Author remarks in your PDF output.
Select Layout in the top menu.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select General and choose Draft and Watermark in the sidebar.
Scroll down to Show Comments.
Enabled to include author remarks in PDF output.
Disabled to exclude author remarks in PDF output. Default
Select Save.
Article is closed for comments.