If you are going to publish a multi-language PDF, you can use the layout to:
Control the order languages are arranged in your multi-language PDF, see Set Language Order (PDF).
To avoid the repetition of the title and subtitle for all included languages on the front cover, you can set the layout to limit it to the first language in the language order, see Display Single Language Titles (PDF).
Add a language list to the front cover, see Set Up a Language List (PDF)
Add language tabs to make it easier to navigate between the language sections of the document, Set Up Language Tabs (PDF).
Include or Exclude Missing Translations (PDF) - If you see red text with a pale pink background in your PDF output, it may be due to the Hide missing translations setting in the PDF layout. If you have it disabled, Paligo will insert the source language content in place of any missing translations. The source language content is red with a pale red background and has the ISO language code in square brackets as a prefix.
Highlight Unapproved Translations (PDF) - If you see blue text in your PDF output, it may be because you have the color mark non-approved translations setting enabled in your PDF layout. This feature sets Paligo to use blue text for translated content that has not been approved.
If you need to activate and enable languages in your Paligo instance, see Language Management.
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