For PDF outputs, you can create front covers and back covers so that your documents can be printed out as a complete "book".
For example, the following images show designs for the front cover of two different user guides.
To set up your covers for PDF, you can use a combination of:
Publication topic content
Each publication has a publication topic. Inside the topic, by default, is a title, a subtitle, a foreground image, and a group of elements we call "info elements". The info elements are for "front matter" information, such as copyright information, publication date, and author names.
Paligo adds this "front matter" content to the front page recto or verso side depending on your PDF Layout settings and the available space.
Cover components
These are special containers that you can create for each side of the front and back cover. They allow you to add text, images, tables, and other types of content inside a "content box" that you can position on the page. You can have one content box for each side of the cover.
PDF layout settings
The PDF layout has settings for controlling and styling the "info elements" from the publication topic and the cover components.
We recommend that you use cover components as they allow you to add a back cover and add extra content to any cover. But if you have set up publications without cover components previously, they will continue to work as before.
To see examples of what type of content you can show on each cover, see Design Covers for PDFs. That article also explains where you can find information on setting up the various parts of front covers, front matter pages, and back covers.
You can choose to include the content from publication topics in HTML5 outputs too. To style those, use CSS (see Style with CSS).
Before you create your front and back covers for a PDF, make sure you have read Design Considerations for Covers. That article explains what you can add to each side of the cover and also includes tips on allowing for space in your designs.
When you are ready to create your own covers, follow these steps:
Edit the publication topic for the publication you are going to publish.
Add any "info elements" that you want to include and remove any that you do not want on your cover. You can also choose to remove the subtitle, which is included by default.
To learn about editing a publication topic, see Publication Topic.
[Optional] Create a cover component for each side of the covers. If you want a back cover, you must set up cover components.
For details, see Cover Components.
[Optional] Add content to the cover components you created in the previous step.
Select Layout and then select the PDF Layout you are going to use for publishing. Alternatively, you can create a new PDF Layout (see Create a Layout).
Select Front page and then select the General subcategory.
Use Generate front cover page for publications to control whether Paligo creates a cover for your PDF.
Yes to create a cover when you publish.
No to have no cover when you publish.
Default to inherit the value for this setting from the base Layout. The base Layout is either a built-in Layout provided by Paligo or another custom Layout, see Layout Relationships - Base, New, Duplicate.
If your PDF is set to No, or to inherit No from a base Layout, you can ignore the remaining steps. Paligo will not generate a cover when you publish with this Layout.
Use the other Front page subcategories to add a logo, product image, language list, and to style the various types of content.
For details, see:
Cover Title and Subtitle (explains how to style the Title block, Title, and Subtitle)
Style a Cover Content Box (explains how to style a cover component for Front cover recto, Front cover verso, and also back covers).
Select Back page.
Select General.
Use Generate back cover page for publications to control whether Paligo creates a back cover:
Yes to include a back cover (only if you have set up cover components for the back cover)
No to have no back cover.
Default to inherit the value for this setting from the base Layout. The base Layout is either a built-in Layout provided by Paligo or another custom Layout, see Layout Relationships - Base, New, Duplicate.
Style the back cover components. There are separate subcategories for the Back cover recto and Back cover verso settings.
For details, see Style a Cover Content Box.
Select Save.
When you use this Layout to publish to PDF, Paligo will apply the settings you have chosen.
Use the PDF Layout's preview feature to see the (approximate) effect of the changes you make.
Select Choose document and then select the publication you are going to publish. Paligo loads it into the preview panel.
Make a change to the Layout settings and select Save.
Select Update preview to refresh the preview image so that it shows the latest change.
For details, see Preview a PDF Publication in Layout Editor.
If you have set up your publication to use cover components, you can set up each cover to have a:
Background image
There are different ways of adding a background image. The method you use will affect how Paligo applies the background image to your cover.
To add a background image, first learn about the different Methods for Adding a Background Image to a Cover. You can then add a background image to a publication topic, cover component, or PDF layout depending on your requirements.
Background color
You can apply a color to the back layer, behind the content that appears on the cover.
If you are not using cover components for your publication, you can only set a background image and color for the front cover recto.
There are three ways to add a background image to a cover. Paligo will use the image differently, depending on where you add the image.
You can:
Add a Background Image in a Publication Topic
Paligo uses the background image from the publication topic instead of any background image that is set in the layout.
This only applies to the front cover recto. You cannot use a background image in the publication topic for a front cover verso or a back cover.
Add a Background Image in a Cover Component
Paligo uses the background image from the cover component instead of any background image that is set in the layout.
Add a Background Image in a PDF Layout
With this approach, Paligo uses the same background image every time you use a particular layout. The image is only shown if there is no background image set in the publication topic or cover component.
Which method should you use? It depends on what you want to achieve and how you want to manage the different images.
Do you need to mostly publish PDFs that have the same background image? If yes, you may find it simpler to add the background image to a PDF layout. If you later need to use a different image, you can edit the layout or create a new layout.
Do you have documents that need different background images in different scenarios? If yes, then consider adding all of the images to a publication topic or cover component. By applying filters to the images, you can control which image Paligo uses when you publish. For more details on filtering, see Filtering / Profiling.
For helpful advice on creating a background image, see Tips for Creating a Background Image .
If you have a background image in your publication topic, Paligo will use it as the background image for the front cover recto. It takes priority over any background image that is set in a layout or in a cover component.
For front verso, back recto, and back verso covers you need to use a cover component. You cannot set their background image from a publication topic.
To use a publication topic to set a background image for a front recto cover:
Select the Dotted Menu (...) for the publication in Content Manager.
Select Edit and choose Open in editor.
Paligo opens the publication topic.
Select the Insert tab in the Toolbar.
Select Image and choose Image from the menu.
Browse for the image in your media library or upload a new image, see Add an Image.
Click on the image.
Select the
element in the Element Structure Menu and choose Go to element. -
Add the
attribute in the Element Attributes Panel. -
Set the value to
. -
Select Save.
When you publish this document to PDF, Paligo will use the image you selected as the background image for the front cover (front recto). It will take priority over any background image that is set in the layout or in a cover component.
When you add an image to a publication topic, the image is stored in the Paligo Media library. You can access the Media library from the Content Manager and download your images. We recommend that you also keep your own local backups of your images.
You can set the background image for a cover inside a cover component. This means you can have a different background image for each of the four cover components (front recto, front verso, back recto, and back verso).
Paligo uses the background image in a cover component in preference to a background image set in the PDF layout. But for front covers, the background image in a publication topic will take priority over both the layout and any image in the front cover recto component.
If you do not have a cover component yet, see Create a Cover Component.
To add a background image:
Select the topic or component in the Content Manager to open it in the Editor.
Alternatively, you can Create a Topic and edit that.
Select the Insert tab in the Toolbar.
Select Image and choose Image.
Browse for the image in your media library or upload a new image, see Add an Image.
Click on the image.
Select the
element in the Element Structure Menu and choose Go to element. -
Add the
attribute in the Element Attributes Panel and set the value tobg-image
. -
Select Save.
Repeat this process for background images for other cover components.
When you publish this document to PDF, Paligo will use the background image from the cover component.
If the background image is not shown, see Troubleshooting PDF Covers.
When you add an image to a component, the image is stored in the Paligo Media library. You can access the Media library from the Content Manager and download your images. We recommend that you also keep your own local backups of your images.
To use a PDF layout to set the background image for a cover:
Prepare a suitable image file.
We recommend that you use an image that is the same size as your intended page size. For example, if you are going to publish an A4 PDF, use an image that is the same size as A4 (210 x 297mm). Your image is going to cover the entire page, so add white space to the image if needed.
In our documentation, we use an example cover featuring a white background with a band of sky partway down the page. The entire image is A4 sized.
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Expand the settings for the relevant cover, either Front page or Back page and then select the settings for the relevant side (front cover recto, front cover verso, back cover recto, back cover verso).
If you are unsure about which sides of the covers these settings relate to, see Covers: Recto and Verso.
Use the Background image setting to upload your image.
Select Save.
When you publish with this layout, Paligo will apply the background image to the cover. But if the publication has a background image set in its publication topic or in a cover component, Paligo will use that image instead.
When you add an image to a Layout, the image is stored internally in Paligo. You cannot access the image in Paligo. For this reason, we recommend that you also keep your own local backups of your images. You could also add the image to a topic, and then Paligo will store the image in the Media library.
We recommend that you use a professional graphics or photography application to create your background image. When designing your background image, make sure that it is:
The same size as the page format you are using for your PDF layout. For example, if using the A4 format, create it 210mm x 297mm.
300 pixels/inch resolution.
Designed to have space for the front cover content. For example, here we have used a black pane at the bottom of the image:
We recommend that you make a colored pane to take up approximately 1/3 of the image.
You can set the background color of a cover to compliment your brand colors. The background color is shown behind any other elements on the cover, for example, if you have a back cover with a content box, the color is shown behind the content box.
For example, the following image shows a back recto cover that has a blue background color.
The background of the context box. Here, the background of the content box is set to white.
The background of the page uses the background color, in this case, a shade of blue.
Notice how only the background is blue and the content box is white (the content box has its own color settings).
To set the background color for a cover page:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Expand the settings for the relevant cover, either Front page or Back page and then select the settings for the relevant side (front cover recto, front cover verso, back cover recto, back cover verso).
If you are unsure about which sides of the covers these settings relate to, see Covers: Recto and Verso.
Use the Background color setting to choose the color.
Clear the Use default color checkbox to select a color of your own choice.
Set the color either by:
Entering an RGBA code for the color you want (1).
Selecting the Color square to display the color selector (2).
Choose the color with the spectrum bar (3).
Control the transparency with the opacity bar (4).
Choose the color shade with the main color panel (5).
Select Save.
When you publish with this layout, Paligo will apply the background color to the cover.
If the background color is not shown, check that:
You have added the relevant cover component to the publication topic
The cover component has the required
attribute (with its value set to one of: front, front recto, front verso, back, back recto or back verso). -
The cover has space for the background to be seen. For example, you could use a non-transparent background image that is the same size as the front cover page. If you then set a background color, the image covers the color so that you cannot see the color.
To design front and back covers for your PDFs, we recommend that you use cover components. These are special types of "containers" designed specifically for covers and they allow you to add content to any side of a cover. When you set up a cover component, you can add content inside it, and then Paligo will insert that content into a box on the relevant cover. Read Design Covers for PDFs so that you understand what Paligo can show on each cover.
For example, let's say you want your back cover to have your company logo and your web address. For that, you could set up a back cover recto cover component. You then edit the component and add the image and a paragraph for your business website address. When you publish, Paligo gets the content from the cover component and inserts it into a box on the back cover.
We recommend that you use cover components for your PDF publications as they give you more control over your front and back covers. The most common way to use them is to set up four cover components to your publication, one for each side of the front and back cover.
It is possible to set up a front cover without using cover components. For that, you add the content into the publication topic and Paligo inserts that into the front cover recto. If there is too much content to fit on the front recto, the content will overflow on to the front verso.
This is how Paligo supported front covers in earlier versions. If you have publications set up to work in this way, they will continue to work as expected. But we recommend that you use cover components for new publications.
To control the position of a cover content box and its styling, use the PDF layout settings (see Style a Cover Content Box).
Cover components are special types of container, similar to a topic, that you can use to represent each side of a front cover and back cover. For example, if you are publishing a PDF user guide, you could have 4 cover components:
Front cover (front recto)
Inner side of front cover (front verso)
Inner side of back cover (back recto)
Back cover (back verso)
It is possible to create a front cover without using cover components. With this approach, you add content to a publication topic and then use the PDF layout to set the content to appear on the front or reverse side. This is how front covers were supported in earlier versions of Paligo. If you have set up your publications to work this way previously, they will continue to work.
However, we now recommend that you use cover components when creating front covers and back covers for PDF. They offer more functionality, such as the ability to use content boxes on the covers.
To create a cover component:
In the Content Manager, select the options menu ( ... ) for the folder that will contain your cover component.
If you do not have a suitable folder, you can create one. For details, see Organize Components in Content Manager.
Select Create Content.
Enter a suitable name for your new component and choose Cover as the document type.
In the following image, we have called the cover "Front Cover Recto - Content Box".
If you are going to publish the cover in multiple languages, use the Language section to add the languages you need.
Select OK.
Paligo creates a new cover component.
Next, you should edit the cover component so that you can add content to it. You will also need to set it to be a front cover or back cover and recto or verso.
When you have created a cover component, you can edit it to define content that will appear in a cover content box. The content you add or change will appear in the appropriate content box, for example, if you edit a cover that is set to be the back verso, then the changes you make will affect the back cover.
To add content to a cover component:
In the Content Manager, find the cover component you want to edit and then click on it to open it in the editor.
The cover is different to a regular topic, as instead of having a section element at the top-level, it has a cover element. By default, all cover components also contain one para element.
To add content, position the cursor where you want to add the content, and then use the element context menu to add an element. You can add any elements that are valid inside a
element, for example,para
. (The element context menu only shows elements that are valid at the currently selected position. For details of the valid elements, see the DocBook standard).To access the element context menu, press Alt and Enter (Windows) or Option ⌥ and Enter (Mac).
To insert images, select the Insert menu and then one of the Image options. Paligo will add the image structure and you can choose the image from the Media dialog.
When you add content to a cover component, consider the amount of space available in the content box. If you add text and images that cannot fit into the content box, the content will overlap other content that is on the same page. You should also allow extra space for translated versions, which may be longer.
You can use the preview in the PDF layout to see how Paligo will render your cover content in the content box.
Enter content inside the element, as required.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add the content that you want to appear in the cover's content box.
Select Save.
When you edit a cover component, the changes you make will only go into the publication if:
You give the
element arole
attribute set to front, front recto, front verso, back, back recto, or back verso.For details, see Set a Cover to be Front, Back, Recto, Verso.
You add the cover component to the publication topic as a component.
For details, see Add a Cover to a Publication.
When you add cover components to your projects, it is important that you specify which side of the cover they are for. You can set a cover to be:
To set a cover to be front recto, front verso, back recto, or back verso:
Select the cover component in the Content Manager.
Paligo displays the cover component in the editor.
Select the
element in the Element Structure Menu and then select Go to element. -
In the Element attributes panel, give the cover element a role attribute and set the value to one of the following:
Select Save.
Next, add your cover component to a publication topic. Paligo will only include the cover if it is a component in a publication topic.
To include a cover component in a PDF, you must first add it to the publication topic for your publication.
The cover component must also have a suitable role attribute (see Set a Cover to be Front, Back, Recto, Verso).
When you have added your covers to a publication topic, you will be able to:
Use the PDF layout preview to see how your covers will look when published.
This is useful when you are designing the covers and using the PDF layout to change colors, fonts, and spacing.
Publish a PDF that includes your covers.
To add a cover to a publication:
Display the publication topic:
In the Content Manager, find the publication and select its options menu ( ... ).
Select Edit and then Open in editor.
If you do not have a suitable publication yet, you can create one (see Create a Publication).
Paligo displays the publication topic in the editor.
Position the cursor at a valid position for an inserted component, for example, inside the
element after thetitle
. -
Select the Insert menu and then select Component.
Paligo displays the Import content dialog.
Find your cover component in the Import content dialog and then select it.
Paligo inserts your cover component into the publication topic. In the structure, it is an
element. -
Repeat this process for the other cover components. You can add up to 4 cover components (front recto, front verso, back recto, back verso).
Select Save.
When you have added your cover components to the publication topic, use the PDF layout to style the content boxes for the cover components. You will also need to set up the "info elements" in the publication topic (see Info Elements for Covers).
You can add foreground images to create stylish PDF covers for your documentation.
There are two different types of image that you can add to the front cover:
A product image. For example, in the image above, the drone is a product image with a transparent background. The blue sky part of the image is a background image.
Images in a content box (only if your publication uses cover components).
For the product image, you can add the image:
In the publication topic
Paligo will only use the image when you publish this particular document. To learn more, see Add Image to Publication Topic.
In the PDF layout.
Paligo will use the image every time you publish with this PDF layout (unless the document also has a product image in its publication topic). To learn more, see Add Image to Multiple Publication Topics.
For images in a content box, your publication has to be set up to use cover components. You can then add images to each of the cover components and Paligo will show these in addition to any product image. So for the front cover, you could have a product image and a content box image. You could also have images on each of the other covers by adding an image in their respective cover components (see Add Content to a Cover Component).
For front covers, you can add a product image that will appear in the foreground of the cover.
Depending on your requirements, you can:
Add a product image to a Publication Topic to use it for this particular publication only, see Add Image to Publication Topic.
Add a product image to a PDF layout to use it every time you publish with that particular PDF layout, see Add Image to Multiple Publication Topics.
To add an image to other covers, use Cover Components. Insert the image into a cover component and it will appear in the content box on the appropriate cover (as long as the cover components are set up correctly), see Add Content to a Cover Component.
Every Publication Topic contains the structure for a foreground image (product image) by default. If you choose an image for that structure, the image will appear on the cover page when you publish to PDF. It will take priority over any product image that is set in the PDF layout settings.
To create publications that have different product images on their front pages, you can either:
Add a product image to a Publication Topic to use it for this particular publication only.
Create a separate PDF layout for each different publication and set the product images in the layouts. Typically, it is easier to have one PDF layout to manage and then set the product images individually in each publication topic.
For more information, see Images in a Publication Topic
To add a product image to the publication topic:
Select the Dotted Menu (...) for the publication in Content Manager.
Select Edit and choose Open in editor.
Paligo opens the publication topic.
Right-click the image placeholder and select Image browser.
Upload a new image (1) OR choose an image from the media library (2).
1 = Upload new image, 2 = Search in the media library
Select Save.
When you publish your content, the image you selected will be used as a product image on the front cover.
By default, the publication topic contains the proper structure for a product image.
If this structure for some reason has been removed, you can add it again. But for the cover image to work when added to the publication article
, the mediaobject
element needs to have the role
attribute added and its value set to titleimage
To add a product image to a Publication Topic after removal of the default product image structure:
Select Insert and then Image to add an image.
In the topic, click the inserted image.
Select the
in the Element Structure Menu and choose Go to element. -
Add the
attribute and set its value totitleimage
To create many publications with the same product image on their covers, set the image in a PDF layout. Every time you publish with that layout, the resulting PDFs will use the product image on their front covers.
To produce PDFs that use different product images, you can either create separate PDF layouts for each different document or you can add the product image in the publication topic (see Images in a Publication Topic).
To use a PDF layout to set up a product image for the front cover:
Use a graphics or photography application to create your product image.
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Front page in the sidebar.
Select Product image.
Select Upload for Product image and drag the image you created into the upload box.
Select Save.
Use the PDF layout settings to control the position and size of the product image, see Style a Product Image for a Front Cover.
When you publish and choose to use this layout, Paligo creates a PDF and uses the product image that you defined in the layout. But if the publication has an image in its "publication topic", Paligo will use that image instead and will ignore the PDF layout. You can solve this problem by deleting the image in the publication topic.
The product image is a foreground image that is shown on the front page of PDF outputs. You can either add the image to the publication topic or to the PDF layout and you can control its appearance and position in the layout settings.
Use the PDF layout settings to style the product image, for example, to set the product image container height and scaling.
When you publish to PDF, Paligo positions the product image in a container, and then the other elements on the front page are arranged above and below the container. You can set the maximum height of the container in the PDF layout settings, so that the image fits in a certain space.
If the image is larger than the container, Paligo will either scale the image to fit the container or will cut off the image at the container's boundaries.
To set the product image container height:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Front page in the sidebar.
Select Product image.
Set the Height of the product image container. You need to enter the new measurement and the measurement units, for example, 8cm. The default value is 280pt.
Select Save.
When you publish using this PDF layout, Paligo will set the product image container so that it cannot be larger than your defined maximum height.
To get a product image to scale to fit in the product image container, use the Scale product image down to fit in both directions setting (see Set the Product Image Scaling).
When you publish to PDF, Paligo positions the product image in a container. You can control the vertical positioning of the container to move it up or down the front page.
To control the vertical positioning of the product image:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Front page in the sidebar.
Select Product image.
Set the Product image distance from top of page (inside page margins). You need to enter the new measurement and the measurement units, for example, 10pt.
Select Save.
When you publish to PDF using this layout, Paligo will position the product image container so that it is the defined amount below the top margin of the page. This is not the same as the top edge of the page (see Understanding the Front Cover Margins).
When you publish to PDF, Paligo positions the product image in a container. By default the product image is not scaled to fit, and so you will only see the parts of the image that fit inside the container. But you can apply scaling so that Paligo resizes the image to fit into the container.
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Front page in the sidebar.
Select Product image.
Use the Scale product image down to fit in both directions setting to turn scaling on or off. Select Yes for on, No for off. The default is No.
Select Save.
When you publish using this PDF layout, Paligo will apply the scaling you have selected.
When you publish to PDF, Paligo positions the product image in a container. You can set the container to have visible borders, which can be helpful when you are setting up the positioning of the container (see Set the Product Image Positioning and Set the Product Image Container Height). When you have the container positioned where you want it, you can come back and turn off the product image borders. Or you can leave them on if you want them to be visible in your PDF output.
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Front page in the sidebar.
Select Product image.
In the Default border for product image field, enter the border settings.
The border settings consist of a line thickness, a line style, and a line color.
If you want the corners of the container box to appear rounded, set the Default border radius for product image. Enter the amount of rounding and include the measurement units, for example, 10pt.
Product image with dotted pink border and border-radius of 14pt.
Select Save.
When you publish using this PDF layout, Paligo will apply the border settings you have entered.
If you later want to remove the borders, clear the fields and save. By default, Paligo does not have visible borders around product images.
Paligo uses the title
and subtitle
from the publication topic for the main heading and subtitle on the front cover. (A publication topic is a topic that contains the "front matter", for details, see Publication Topic).
The publication topic has to have a title, but the subtitle is optional. You can Edit a Publication Topic and add or remove a subtitle
element. Use the PDF Layout settings to style the title and style the subtitle.
The terms we use to describe the different sides of the front cover and the back cover are traditional terms used in print publishing.
When you are designing your front and back covers, you will need to know which side is the "recto" and which side is the "verso".
We recommend that you use cover components to set up covers for PDF outputs (as explained in Cover Pages and Front Matter). This is because cover components allow you to add content to back covers as well as front covers.
The following sections show examples of each type of cover and explain what type of content you can add.
If you have set up publications without cover components previously, they will continue to work as before. Depending on the settings you have in place in the PDF layout, Paligo will either create no cover at all or will generate a front cover and "front matter" pages. The front cover and front matter pages contain the "info elements" from the publication topic.
It is also a good idea to read the Tips for Designing a Cover.
The front cover recto is the outside of the front cover. Traditionally, this is where you have the title of the document and you may have images and other information too.
The front cover recto can contain text and images from a:
PDF layout
You can add certain types of content, such as logos and background images, to the PDF layout.
Publication topic
This is the topic that represents the publication as a whole and you can add info elements and other content to it. Paligo displays the info elements in a publication topic on the front cover recto or its reverse side (the front cover verso).
Front cover recto component
You can create and set up a cover component to represent the front cover. Any text or images that you add to it will appear in a content box on the front cover.
When designing a front cover recto, be aware that the front cover contains content from the publication topic and the cover component. You will need to allow space for them both. If there is insufficient space, their content may overlap.
The following example shows a front cover with content that comes from a PDF layout, publication topic, and a front cover recto component.
You can add a logo and position it in the PDF layout settings (see Logo on Cover).
Content box
This is a box that is absolutely positioned on the cover. Its content comes from a cover component, which is a special type of "container", similar to a topic. You can add many types of content to a cover component, including paragraphs, images and tables.
To learn how to set up a front cover content box, see Cover Components.
Foreground image or "product image"
You can have one foreground image (also referred to as a "product image") on the front cover. In the example shown, the drone image is the foreground image.
To add the foreground image, you can insert it into the publication topic or cover component and give it a
attribute with a value of titleimage. Alternatively, you can set a product image in the PDF layout.To learn more, see Cover Foreground Images.
Background image or color
A background image for the page. In the example shown, the background image is A4 sized and is a single image made up of a white band in the upper section, an image of sky, and a white band in the lower section.
You can set the background image in a PDF layout, a publication topic, or a cover component. You can also set a background color for the entire cover and a content box. To learn how to set up backgrounds, see Cover Background.
Title block
The title block is a container for the title and subtitle. The subtitle is optional. You define the content for the title and the subtitle in a publication topic. Use the PDF layout to style and position the title block.
To learn how to set up the title block, title, and subtitle, see Cover Title and Subtitle.
Info elements from the publication topic
There are various "info elements" that you can include in a publication topic. Use the PDF Layout settings to control which side of the cover the "info elements" should appear on. Note that if there is not enough space for the info elements to fit on the preferred side, they will overflow on to the next page.
To learn about adding, styling and positioning info elements, see Info Elements for Covers.
When you have set up your cover, make sure the PDF Layout is set to Generate a Cover. You can then use your Layout to publish to PDF.
If the cover does not appear as expected, see Troubleshooting PDF Covers.
We call the reverse side of a front cover "front cover verso".
To add a back cover to a PDF output, use cover components. Paligo will not include a back cover unless there are back cover components in place in your publication topic.
The front cover verso can contain content that comes from a:
PDF layout
You can add certain types of content, such as background images, to the PDF layout.
Publication topic
This is the topic that represents the publication as a whole and you can add info elements and other content to it. Paligo displays the info elements in a publication topic on the front cover recto or its reverse side (the front cover verso).
Front cover verso component
You can create and set up a cover component to represent the reverse side of the front cover. Any text or images that you add to it will appear in a content box on the front cover verso.
When designing a front cover verso, be aware that the front cover may contain content from the publication topic and the cover component. You will need to allow space for them both. If there is insufficient space, their content may overlap.
For example, the following front cover verso contains:
Background image or color
A background image for the page. In the example shown, the background image is A4 sized and is an abstract pattern.
You can set the background image in a PDF layout, a publication topic, or a cover component. You can also set a background color for the entire cover and a content box. To learn how to set up backgrounds, see Cover Background.
Info elements from the publication topic
There are various "info elements" that you can include in a publication topic. Use the PDF Layout settings to control which side of the cover the "info elements" should appear on. Note that if there is not enough space for the info elements to fit on the preferred side, they will overflow on to the next page.
To learn about adding, styling and positioning info elements, see Info Elements for Covers.
Content box
This is a box that is absolutely positioned on the cover. Its content comes from a cover component, which is a special type of "container", similar to a topic. You can add many types of content to a cover component, including paragraphs, images and tables.
To learn how to set up a front cover content box, see Cover Components.
When you have set up your cover, make sure the PDF Layout is set to Generate a Cover. You can then use your Layout to publish to PDF.
If the cover does not appear as expected, see Troubleshooting PDF Covers.
The inside of the back cover - the page that faces the last page of your document - is called the back cover recto.
To add a back cover to a PDF output, use cover components. Paligo will not include a back cover unless there are back cover components in place in your publication topic.
The back cover recto can contain content from a:
PDF layout
You can add certain types of content, such as background images, to the PDF layout.
Back cover recto component
You can create and set up a cover component to represent the inside of the back cover. Any text or images that you add to it will appear in a content box on the back cover recto.
For example, the following back cover recto has:
Background image or color
A background image for the page. In the example shown, the background image is A4 sized and is an abstract pattern.
You can set the background image in a PDF layout or a cover component. You can also set a background color for the entire cover and a content box. To learn how to set up backgrounds, see Cover Background.
Content box
This is a box that is absolutely positioned on the cover. Its content comes from a cover component, which is a special type of "container", similar to a topic. You can add many types of content to a cover component, including paragraphs, images and tables.
To learn how to set up a front cover content box, see Cover Components.
When you have set up your cover, make sure the PDF Layout is set to Generate a Cover. You can then use your Layout to publish to PDF.
If the cover does not appear as expected, see Troubleshooting PDF Covers.
We call the outer side of the back cover the "back cover verso".
To add a back cover to a PDF output, use cover components. Paligo will not include a back cover unless there are back cover components in place in your publication topic.
The back cover verso content can come from a:
PDF layout
You can add certain types of content, such as background images, to the PDF layout.
Back cover verso component
You can create and set up a cover component to represent the outside of the back cover. Any text or images that you add to it will appear in a content box on the back cover verso.
For example, the following back cover verso has:
Content box
This is a box that is absolutely positioned on the cover. Its content comes from a cover component, which is a special type of "container", similar to a topic. You can add many types of content to a cover component, including paragraphs, images and tables.
To learn how to set up a front cover content box, see Cover Components.
Background image or color
A background image for the page. In the example shown, the background image is A4 sized and is an abstract pattern.
You can set the background image in a PDF layout or a cover component. You can also set a background color for the entire cover and a content box. To learn how to set up backgrounds, see Cover Background.
When you have set up your cover, make sure the PDF Layout is set to Generate a Cover. You can then use your Layout to publish to PDF.
If the cover does not appear as expected, see Troubleshooting PDF Covers.
Be aware that the front cover can contain content from the publication topic, a cover component, and the PDF layout. If there is insufficient space, some elements may overlap or be pushed on to the next page.
Look at the various info elements that are available and decide which ones you need and on what side they should appear. Use the PDF layout settings to control which side of the front cover the elements appear on (see Set Info Elements on Front or Reverse Side).
Use Cover Components if you need to add any content to the back cover recto or back cover verso.
Allow extra space for translations. The text for titles and info elements may be longer in different languages
Preview a Publication to see what your cover design looks like. If you use the PDF editor settings to make changes, refresh the preview to see the effect of those changes.
Be aware that Paligo will only generate a front cover if you enable the Generate front cover page for publications option in the PDF layout (see Generate a Cover). It is set to enabled by default.
For PDF outputs, you can choose whether the PDF includes a front cover. By default, Paligo is set to generate covers for PDF outputs.
If you choose to have:
A cover, Paligo will generate a PDF with covers. The PDF output will include any Cover Components you have set up as well as a front cover. The front cover will contain content from the publication topic (and potentially also a cover component). There is only a back cover if you have used cover components.
No cover, Paligo will generate a PDF that has no front cover and the table of contents is the first page. If you have set up cover components for a back cover, Paligo will still include the back cover.
To turn the cover feature on or off:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Front page in the sidebar.
Select General.
Set Generate front cover page for publications to Yes (Default) or No.
Select Save.
When you publish PDFs using this layout, Paligo will use your choice in step 3 to decide whether to include a cover.
There are many useful elements that you can add inside a publication topic, including copyright
, author
, and pubdate
. They are mostly designed for providing information about a document and we call them the "info elements" as you can only add them inside an info
When you publish, the "info elements" can be displayed on the front cover, the reverse side of the front cover, or potentially, on the "front matter" pages that immediately follow the cover.
To see what "info elements" are available:
Find your publication in the Content Manager and then select its dotted menu ( ... ). Choose Edit and then Open in editor.
In the editor, click on a position that is inside the
element but not inside any other element. In the Element Structure Menu at the top, you should seearticle
. -
Press Alt + Enter ⏎ (Windows) or Command ⌘ + Enter ⏎ (Mac) to display the Element Context Menu.
Choose an "info element" to add to the publication topic. The Element Context Menu displays a list of all the "info elements" that you can use at the currently selected position.
To find out about the purpose of each "info element", see the official Docbook documentation.
To learn about adding "info elements" to publication topics, see Edit a Publication Topic.
To learn how to style the "info elements", see Style the Info Elements.
For PDF outputs, you can use a PDF layout to upload a logo image for your front cover. When you have added the image, you can choose to place it in any corner of the page, and you can also control its margins to move it up, down, left and right as needed.
To add a logo image to the front page and define its position and appearance:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Front page in the sidebar.
Select Logotype.
Use the Logotype field to upload a logo image. You can upload an image in any of these formats: ai, svg, pdf, png, tif, gif.
Set the Logo alignment to your preferred corner of the front cover.
Set the horizontal and vertical margins for the logo:
Horizontal margin between logotype and page
This field contains XPATH by default:
To move the logo image to the right, enter the plus symbol ( + ) and the measurement and measurement units after the XPATH, for example:
To move it to the left, add a minus value after the XPATH, for example:
Vertical margin between logotype and page
This field also contains XPATH by default:
After the XPATH, enter a positive measurement to move the logo down the page or enter a minus measurement to move it up the page. For example:
Set the maximum dimensions of the logo image.
Max height of the logotype
Max width of the logotype
You must include the measurement and the measurement units, for example, 100pt, or 2.5cm.
Paligo will not allow the image to scale beyond these limits and will keep the aspect ratio of the original image so that it is not distorted.
Select Save.
To add a logo image to other covers, such as a back cover:
Set up Cover Components for your publication.
Add Content to a Cover Component.
Paligo will include the logo image in the content box on the appropriate cover.
To control the position of the title on the front cover:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Front page in the sidebar.
Select Title block.
Use Border for title block to add a border around the edges of the title block. A border can be useful as a temporary guide when you are setting the margins. It makes it is easier to judge the distances for margins.
Enter the line thickness followed by the line style and color, for example, 3pt dotted green.
Set the position of the title block on the front cover.
We recommend that you read Understanding the Front Cover Margins before you set any title margins. There, you can learn how to calculate the margins for your content, taking into consideration any page margins and body margins that are already in place.
Use these settings to set the position:
Title block distance from top - Use to set the distance from the top of the content area to the start of the title block.
Title block margin left - Use to set the distance from the left edge of the content area to the left edge of the title block.
Title block margin right - Use to set the distance from the right edge of the content area to the right edge of the title block.
For each setting, enter the value and include the units of measurement, for example, 3.5cm.
Select Save.
When you publish with this Layout, Paligo will apply the title block settings that you have chosen.
Use the PDF layout to control the positioning and appearance of a cover content box (and the content inside it). There are settings for each cover (Front page or Back page) and inside those, settings for each side of the cover (Front cover recto, Front cover verso, Back cover recto, and Back cover verso).
For each side of the cover, you can set the position of the content box, its size, padding, font style and color, and alignment.
The front cover recto, front cover verso, back cover recto and back cover verso settings also have options that affect the entire cover page:
Background image (see Methods for Adding a Background Image to a Cover)
Background color (see Set the Background Color of a Cover).
Use the PDF layout settings to define the absolute position of the content box on a cover.
The position of the content box is measured from the edges of the body region of the page. It is not measured from the edges of the page. To learn about the body region, see Adjust Page Margins (PDF).
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Expand the settings for the relevant cover, either Front page or Back page and then select the settings for the relevant side (front cover recto, front cover verso, back cover recto, back cover verso).
If you are unsure about which sides of the covers these settings relate to, see Covers: Recto and Verso.
Use the margin settings to control the position of the text box on the page:
Left margin for the content box
Set the distance from the left edge of the body region to the left edge of the content box.
Right margin for the content box
Set the distance from the right edge of the body region to the right edge of the content box.
Top margin for the content box
Set the distance from the top edge of the body region to the top edge of the content box.
Bottom margin for the content box
Set the distance from the bottom edge of the body region to the bottom edge of the content box.
You must include the units of measurement, for example, 2cm, 50px, 20pt.
Select Save.
Repeat this process for each of the covers, if required.
When you publish using this layout, Paligo will apply the margins to the content box on the appropriate cover(s).
You can use the PDF layout to define the height of a cover content box. For example, you could set a back cover recto content box to be 5cm so that it could fit in a logo and a link to your website.
If the content in your cover component is too large for the content box, it will overspill. The text and images will either break out beyond the edge of the box and will overlap any other content on the cover. For this reason, you should consider the size of the content that will go into the box, and also allow extra space for translated versions which may be longer.
When setting the size and position of a content box, you should only use two of the following settings:
Top margin for the content box
Bottom margin for the content box
Height of the content box.
If you use all three, the bottom margin is ignored.
If you do not specify a height, Paligo calculates the height based on the space available below the top margin and above the bottom margin.
To set the height:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Front page or Back page in the sidebar.
If you are unsure about which sides of the covers these settings relate to, see Covers: Recto and Verso.
Front cover recto or Front cover verso
Back cover recto or Back cover verso
Set the Height of the content box.
You must include the units of measurement, for example, 5cm.
Select Save.
Repeat this process for each of the covers, if required.
Use the PDF layout settings to define the internal margins, also known as "padding", for a cover content box. The internal margins set the amount of space between the edges of a content box and the content inside the box.
In this diagram, the black edges are the edges of the content box. The arrows represent the inner padding between the edges and the content.
To set the internal margins or "padding":
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Front page or Back page in the sidebar.
If you are unsure about which sides of the covers these settings relate to, see Covers: Recto and Verso.
Front cover recto or Front cover verso
Back cover recto or Back cover verso
Enter the amount of spacing you want into the Padding for the content box field.
You need to include the measurement and the units of measurement, for example, 10pt.
Select Save.
Repeat this process for each of the covers, if required.
When you preview your publication in the PDF layout, Paligo will show the borders of the content box. If you leave the border setting in place, Paligo will also include the borders when you publish.
By default, cover content boxes do not have a visible border. You can add one in the PDF layout settings, if required. We recommend that you add visible borders when you are designing a cover, as it makes it easier to position and size the content boxes correctly.
To set the border for a cover content box:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Expand the settings for the relevant cover, either Front page or Back page and then select the settings for the relevant side (front cover recto, front cover verso, back cover recto, back cover verso).
If you are unsure about which sides of the covers these settings relate to, see Covers: Recto and Verso.
Enter the border settings in the Border for the content box field.
Select Save.
Repeat this process for each of the covers, if required.
When you preview your publication in the PDF layout, Paligo will show the borders of the content box. If you leave the border setting in place, Paligo will also include the borders when you publish.
Use the PDF layout settings to define the font styles for a cover content box. The font styles include the typeface, size, and color.
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Expand the settings for the relevant cover, either Front page or Back page and then select the settings for the relevant side (front cover recto, front cover verso, back cover recto, back cover verso).
If you are unsure about which sides of the covers these settings relate to, see Covers: Recto and Verso.
Use the Font family for the content box setting to choose the typeface. Paligo will apply this style of lettering to any text that is in the content box. The text comes from a cover component.
Use the Font size for the content box setting to set the size of the typeface.
You must include the units of measurement, for example, 14pt.
Use the Color for the content box section to choose the color of text (in the content box).
Clear the Use default color checkbox to select a color of your own choice.
Set the color either by:
Entering an RGBA code for the color you want (1).
Selecting the Color square to display the color selector (2).
Choose the color with the spectrum bar (3).
Control the transparency with the opacity bar (4).
Choose the color shade with the main color panel (5).
Select Save.
Repeat this process for each of the covers, if required.
When you publish using this layout, Paligo will apply the font settings to the content box on the appropriate cover(s).
To control the horizontal and vertical alignment of the content in a cover content box:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Expand the settings for the relevant cover, either Front page or Back page and then select the settings for the relevant side (front cover recto, front cover verso, back cover recto, back cover verso).
If you are unsure about which sides of the covers these settings relate to, see Covers: Recto and Verso.
Use the Alignment for the content box setting to control the horizontal alignment of the content in the box.
Set the Vertical alignment for the content box. Choose from:
Select Save.
Repeat this process for each of the covers, if required.
You can set a background color for a cover content box so that it stands out from the background. For example, in the following image, the background of the page is blue and the background of the cover content box is white.
Background color of content box is white.
Background color of page is blue (see Set the Background Color of a Cover).
To set the background color of the content box:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Expand the settings for the relevant cover, either Front page or Back page and then select the settings for the relevant side (front cover recto, front cover verso, back cover recto, back cover verso).
If you are unsure about which sides of the covers these settings relate to, see Covers: Recto and Verso.
Use the Background color for the content box setting to choose the color.
Clear the Use default color checkbox to select a color of your own choice.
Set the color either by:
Entering an RGBA code for the color you want (1).
Selecting the Color square to display the color selector (2).
Choose the color with the spectrum bar (3).
Control the transparency with the opacity bar (4).
Choose the color shade with the main color panel (5).
Select Save.
You can choose to have a horizontal rule under the title on your front cover. For this, use the Title block settings in your PDF Layout. You can also set the line's thickness and color.
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Front page in the sidebar.
Select Title block.
Use the following settings to style a horizontal rule under the title:
Width of horizontal rule under title - If you want a horizontal line under the title, enter the line thickness, for example, 3pt.
Color of horizontal rule under title - Use to set the color of the horizontal line under the title.
Clear the Use default color checkbox to select a color of your own choice.
Set the color either by:
Entering an RGBA code for the color you want (1).
Selecting the Color square to display the color selector (2).
Choose the color with the spectrum bar (3).
Control the transparency with the opacity bar (4).
Choose the color shade with the main color panel (5).
Select Save.
When you publish with this Layout, Paligo will apply the title block settings that you have chosen.
The PDF layout has settings for styling the "info elements" that you can add to a publication topic. You can find them in the Front Page group under the Info elements category.
In a Publication Topic, you can have "info" elements, such as copyright and author. By default, Paligo displays these elements in a fixed order, see Order of Info Elements. But you can use the PDF layout settings to change the order to meet your own requirements.
To set the order of the info elements for PDF output:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Front page in the sidebar.
Select Info elements.
Use the The order of additional info elements setting to control the order of the info elements in the PDF output. Choose from:
Fixed - Paligo will present the info elements in a pre-defined order, which may not match the order of the elements that you can see when you edit the publication topic. For more details on the fixed order, see Order of Info Elements.
Free - The info elements will be in the same order that they appear in the publication topic in the Paligo editor.
Select Save.
When you publish with this layout, the info elements will be in the order that you have chosen.
Publication topics contain "info" elements and by default, Paligo will try to add them to the front side of the front cover (front recto).
If there is not enough space, Paligo will show them on the next page (front verso). If you prefer, you can use the PDF layout settings to control which side of the front cover each "info" element will appear on.
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Front page in the sidebar.
Select Info elements.
Use the Render element on this side of the front cover settings to choose which page the various additional info elements should appear on.
There are render element on this side of the front cover options for most of the additional info elements, including
, andpubdate
.For each info element, you can choose either recto (for the right page) or verso (for the left page). You can also choose none to prevent an info element from being shown on the page.
Select Save.
When you publish with this layout, the info elements will appear on the sides you have chosen, as long as there is enough space available.
Paligo can generate labels for some elements, such as pubdate
, edition
and abstract
. The labels are shown next to the element in the output and they give the reader extra context about the information. For example, the label for the publication date is "Publication date". Without the label, the date would appear on its own.
To set Paligo to use auto-labels for PDFs:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Front page in the sidebar.
Select Info elements.
Set up automatic labeling for the
, andabstract
elements (if they exist in your publication topic). There is a separate setting for each of these elements.For each of these elements, enable or disable auto-labelling.
Enabled - Adds the term "Publication date" or "Abstract" before the content or "Edition" after the content of those elements.
Disabled - Does not include the auto-label terms before the
, orabstract
elements. -
Default to inherit the value for this setting from the base Layout. The base Layout is either a built-in Layout provided by Paligo or another custom Layout, see Layout Relationships - Base, New, Duplicate.
Select Save.
When you publish with this layout, the elements will use the auto-label settings you have chosen.
Use the Layout Editor to control the format of the publication date for PDF outputs.
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Front page in the sidebar.
Select Info elements.
Define the date format for the
element in the Today's date for publication date field.Which date format to select depends on whether the setting Use translatable publication date is enabled or not.
Be aware that:
If you add an empty
element to your publication topic, Paligo will automatically insert the date when you publish. It will use the date format you set in the Layout. -
If Today's date for publication date is left empty, the publication date will not appear in the output.
If you have a
element and it contains content inside it, such as a text date or a variable, that content takes priority. Paligo will ignore the Today's date for publication date value. -
If the format you define in Today's date for publication date is not supported, Paligo will include the format value in the output.
Use translatable publication date to control whether a full-text date format for the
element should automatically be converted into other languages.For example, you could have 28 March 2024 in English. For a Swedish output, Paligo would translate the date to 28 mars 2024.
Select one of the following options:
Enabled to activate the auto-translation. Use EXSLT Date Format in Today's date for publication date.
Disabled to deactivate the auto-translation. Use PHP Date Format in Today's date for publication date.
Default to inherit the value for this setting from the base Layout. The base Layout is either a built-in Layout provided by Paligo or another custom Layout, see Layout Relationships - Base, New, Duplicate.
Use leading zero padding to control whether the date should have a leading zero for single-digit dates (when using EXSLT Date Format).
Select one of the following options:
Enabled to use a leading zero (for example 03).
Disabled to use a single digit (for example 3).
Use the PHP Date Format. It supports leading zeros by the use of different codes.
Default to inherit the value for this setting from the base Layout. The base Layout is either a built-in Layout provided by Paligo or another custom Layout, see Layout Relationships - Base, New, Duplicate.
Select Save.
When you publish with this Layout, the output will use the publication date settings you have chosen.
Publication topics can contain info elements, such as copyright information and the name of the author. These elements are mostly left-aligned by default, but you can use the PDF layout to change the alignment. (For HTML, use CSS to adjust the alignment).
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Front page in the sidebar.
Select Info elements.
Set the info element alignment for the front page and reverse side.
Use these settings to set the alignment for the front cover, the reverse, and any further pages:
Alignment for info element group (front cover) - Use to set the alignment of info elements on the front cover page.
Alignment for info element group (reverse side) - Use to set the alignment of info elements on the reverse side of the cover page. This will also apply to any additional pages that appear before the table of contents, for example, if you have a legal notice that goes over two pages, they will both use the alignment for the reverse side.
With both of the alignment settings, you can choose from:
Select Save.
When you publish with this layout, the title will use the style and positioning settings you have chosen.
To change the color of the info elements, such as copyright and the author's name, on the front cover or "front matter" pages:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Front page in the sidebar.
Select Info elements.
Set the color of the info elements on the front cover and the reverse side.
Color for additional info elements on front cover recto
Use to set the color of info elements on the front cover.
Color for additional info elements on front cover verso
Use to set the color of info elements on the reverse side of the cover and any further pages.
For both color options, you can either use the default color (black) or clear the checkbox and then choose a different color. You can enter rgba values or use the color selector to choose a color.
Select Save.
When you publish with this layout, the info elements will use the colors you have chosen.
If you are experiencing problems when setting up covers for your PDF outputs, you may find the answers in this article. It covers some of the most common mistakes relating to covers.
If your PDF has no covers at all, it is likely because Paligo is set to not generate covers.
To fix this, see Generate a Cover.
If you have overlapping content on a cover (typically a front cover), it is likely because the front cover recto (or verso) contains content from the publication topic and also from a cover component.
Paligo adds the publication topic content to the main body area of the page. The cover component content goes into a content box that overlays the body area.
You should redesign the page so that there is sufficient space for both sets of content. For that, you can use the PDF layout to control the positioning of the info elements from the publication topic and also reposition the content box.
For details, see:
If there is content missing from a cover, it is likely because:
There is insufficient space to fit the content in a content box
Paligo will push any content that does not fit onto the next page (for info elements in the publication topic).
If there is too much content to fit inside a content box, either the top part of the content will be missing or the bottom part will be missing. This varies depending on the type of vertical alignment that is in place for the content box.
To fix this, either change the size of the content box or reduce the amount of content inside the relevant cover component.
The publication topic does not contain the info elements
Info elements, such as copyright and pubdate, will only appear on the cover if you have included them in the publication.
The cover components are not set up correctly
Paligo will only show the content for cover components if they are set up correctly (see Cover Components not Working).
Other images have priority
Images in the publication topic take priority over the cover content components and PDF layout.
The priorities are:
Publication topic image. This has top priority for the front cover recto only.
Cover component image. Paligo uses this in preference to the layout.
PDF layout image. Paligo uses this if there is no image set in a publication topic or a cover component.
The image does not have the appropriate role attribute
If you add an image in a publication topic or cover component and you want Paligo to use it as the background image, it needs to have a role attribute. The value of the
attribute should be bg-image.
If you have set up cover components for your publication and they are not showing in your PDF output, it is likely because they are set up incorrectly.
Make sure that you have:
Created cover components and given their cover elements a role attribute with a suitable value (see Create a Cover Component and Set a Cover to be Front, Back, Recto, Verso).
Added the cover components to the publication topic ( see Add a Cover to a Publication).
Added content inside the correct cover component.
When you are designing a front cover for a PDF output, you can set the position of various elements, including the title block. Before you make changes to the positioning, it is important that you understand:
What margins are in place
How Paligo applies margins and calculates the spacing.
Knowing how the margins work will make it easier for you to position the title and subtitle more accurately.
In the PDF output, the front cover has 3 margins, all of which you can control in the PDF layout settings:
Page margins.
Select General and then select Page Margins. The page margins define the amount of space between the edge of the page and the content area (body).
Body margins.
Select General and then Page Margins. The body margins define the amount of space between the edge of the content area (body) and where the content can be placed.
Content margins.
Select Front page and then Title block. The Title block settings include Title block distance from top, Title block margin left and Title block margin right. Use these to define an extra amount of space that Paligo calculates from the position where the content can be placed. You can set the content margins for the title and subtitle.
Example 10. Setting page and title block margins
Let's say you have a publication that has been published before. For an update to the publication, you want to change the front cover so that the title is 5cm from the top of the page.
To do that, you edit the PDF layout and look at the General settings and Page Margins. You see that the page currently has a top margin of 2cm and the body has a top margin of 1cm. So the content on the front cover already has 3cm of top spacing in place (top margin + top body margin).
To set the title at 5cm from the top, you select Front Page and then Title Block . You enter 2cm in the Title block distance from top field and then save the layout.
When you publish, the title will be 5cm from the top of the page (2cm page margin top + 1cm body margin top + 2cm title block distance from top).
To learn how to set the set the positioning for the title and subtitle, see Style the Title for the Front Cover (PDF).
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