For PDF outputs, you can use the PDF layout to control the footer that appears at the bottom of the page. The footer consists of a three-column table that appears on every page in your output.
The PDF Layout has footer configuration settings and these are divided into categories:
Use the General settings for setting up the footer table. These settings apply to both recto and verso pages (see ).
Use the Footer cells - default (recto page) settings to style the footer table on odd-numbered pages (or all pages in single-sided documents). See for details.
Use the Footer cells - verso page settings to style the footer table on even-numbered pages (in double-sided documents). By default, the recto page settings also apply to the verso pages, but only if the verso settings are set to default or empty. If you change the verso settings, Paligo will apply your changes to the verso pages instead. See for details.
If you use Layouts that are based on other Layouts, there is a "chain" of Layouts that Paligo uses when publishing (see Layout Relationships - Base, New, Duplicate). Paligo will look on every Layout in the "chain" for verso settings. If it finds any, it will apply those verso settings.
Paligo only applies the recto page settings to verso pages if all Layouts in the "chain" have no verso settings in place. This applies to headers and footers.
The PDF Layout has General footer settings for setting up and styling the footer table in your PDF outputs.
The table has to have three columns. If you need more columns, it may be possible to achieve through a customization project. Contact customer support for more details.
Select Layout in the top menu.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Header and Footer and then Page footer.
Select General in the Page footer category.
Set the widths of the footer columns in the Page footer table relative column widths field.
There are three values, each representing a column. The default value is 1 1 1 which produces three columns of equal width. You can change any of the three values to allocate the available space differently, for example, 1 3 1 produces a footer where the center column has three times the width of the left and right columns (this is equivalent to 20% 60% and 20%).
Set the minimum height of the footer table in the Page footer table height field.
The default is 14pt. When you enter a value, make sure to include the units of measurement, for example, pt.
Set the border styling in the Page footer table cell border field.
Having a visible border can be useful when you are setting up your PDFs. It makes it easier to judge the spacing and positioning. But in most cases, authors remove the border before publishing a finished document.
To add a border, enter the thickness, style, and color of the line, for example: thin solid silver. You can use:
Thickness: thin, medium, thick, or an exact value, such as 3pt
Style: none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset
Color: color name, RGB value or hex value.
Use the following settings to define the font and text spacing settings for the footer table text:
Page footer font family
Choose the typeface for the text in the cells.
Page footer font size
Set the size of the text in the cells.
Page footer font weight
Set the thickness of the text in the cells.
Page footer font style
Use to set the text in the cells to italic, backslant (leaning backwards), or normal.
Page footer font variant
Choose the font set to use for the footer. The font set is variation of the chosen font, for example, normal is the regular version of the font and small-caps is a version where all letters are small and upper-case.
Page footer font color
Use to set the color of the text in the cells. You can check the box to use the default color or you can clear the box and choose a different color. Enter an RGB value or select the color block to display a color selector.
Page footer line height
Set the height of each line of text in the cells. You need to include the units of measurement too, for example, px, pt, em.
Page footer capitalization
Set the text in the page header cells to be shown in all full-size capital letters, all lowercase letters, or capitalized (first letter capital, other letters lowercase).
Page footer letter-spacing
Define the amount of spacing between the letters of the text in the cells.
Select Save.
You have now defined the General values for the footer table. Next, you should define what content appears in the footer table.
Use the PDF layout to add content to the footer table cells for PDF output.
The footer table is shown on all pages, except the front cover. Technically, the footer is also on the front cover, but it is set to have a fixed height of 0 . This means that any text in the footer will be invisible.
To add text, images, or auto-generated content such as page numbers to your footer:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Header and Footer and then Page footer.
In the Page footer category, select Footer cells - default (recto page).
Use the Page footer <column> cell content settings to choose the type of content to add to each cell. There are separate Page footer <column> cell content settings for the left, center, and right cells.
Choose from:
None - Paligo will not include any content in the cell.
Text - Set the cell to contain text that you will define in the Page header <column> cell content: text field.
Image - Set the cell to contain an image that you will choose in the Page header <column> cell content: image field.
Pagenumber - Adds the page number to the cell.
The page number is only shown in the PDF output if the General > Page > Print page numbers setting is set to Yes (or Default). For details, see Include Page Numbers in PDFs.
Page X - Adds the word "Page" followed by the page number to the cell.
Page X of Y - Adds current page and total page number to the cell, for example, "Page 6 of 75".
Title - Adds the first title element in your content to the cell. Depending on what you publish, this is the title of your publication or a topic.
Chapter title - Adds the title element of the "chapter" to the cell. The "chapter" is a top-level topic in your publication.
For example, let's say you have a top-level topic called "Installation" and then lower-level topics for "Install the battery" and "Install the fan unit". In this scenario, all three topics will have "Installation" in the cell, as they are all part of the same "chapter". Topics in a different "chapter" will have a different title in the cell.
Section title - Adds the title element of the topic to the cell. For example, if you have an "Install the battery" topic, it will have "Install the battery" in the cell, but other topics will have their title in the cell instead.
This step only applies if you selected Text as the Page footer <column> cell content.
In the Page footer <column> cell content: Text field, enter:
Plain text
A dynamic variable to reference an element in your documentation. A popular use for a dynamic variable here is to reference an element that appears in the publication topic, such as copyright details. We have included an example after this procedure. To find out more, see Dynamic Text Variables.
A popular use for a dynamic variable here is to reference an element that appears in the publication topic, such as copyright details. We have included an example after this procedure.
To find out more, see Dynamic Text Variables.
A combination of plain text and dynamic variables
There are separate Page footer <column> cell content: Text settings for the left, center, and right cells.
This step only applies if you selected Image as the Page footer <column> cell content.
In the Page footer <column> cell content: Image field, use the Upload feature to add the image you want to use. Paligo uploads the image, gives it an auto-generated name, and stores it with the Layout. It is not stored in the Media library.
There are separate Page footer <column> cell content: Image settings for the left, center, and right cells.
In the Page footer category, select Footer cells - verso page.
The Footer cells - verso page settings work in the same way as those for the Footer cells - recto page, except that:
Any settings that you change for the verso page will be used on even-numbered pages.
If you leave any verso page settings set to default or empty, Paligo will match them to the same settings on the recto page. This happens during publishing and is not shown on the Layout.
Select Save.
When you publish content with this PDF layout, Paligo will add the images and text you have selected.
Example 11. Dynamic variable to insert copyright information in PDF footer
Let's say you have set up your publication topic to include copyright
elements, including year
and holder
elements (see Edit a Publication Topic). You are going to publish to PDF and you want the center cell of your footer to contain the copyright details.
You edit your PDF layout and set:
Page footer center cell content to Text
In the Page footer center cell content: text field, you enter a dynamic variable to reference the
elements. The syntax is:Copyright © ${//d:article/d:info/d:copyright/d:year}$ ${//d:article/d:info/d:copyright/d:holder}$
Notice how it includes the word Copyright and the copyright symbol as plain text. It then has two references: one to the year element and one to the holder element. It starts with the article element (which is in the publication topic), and then each level of the structure (info>copyright>year and info>copyright>holder).
When you publish, Paligo:
Adds the text copyright and the copyright symbol to the center cell of the footer
in the publication topic and inserts the year value into the center cell, after the text -
in the publication topic and inserts the holder value into the center cell, after the year.
By default, Paligo PDF outputs have a footer rule at the bottom of each page. To style the rule, or remove it completely, use the Page settings in the PDF layout.
To set up the footer rule:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select General and choose Page.
Use the Footer rule setting to control whether the footer rule is shown.
Choose either:
Set the Footer rule width. This is the amount of page width that the footer rule will cover and it has to be a numerical value with units of measurement. By default, it is set to 100%.
Choose the Footer rule style. You can choose from any of the available line styles including dotted, solid, and dashed.
For example, the following image shows a dashed footer rule.
Set the Footer rule color.
Clear the Use default color checkbox to select a color of your own choice.
Set the color either by:
Entering an RGBA code for the color you want (1).
Selecting the Color square to display the color selector (2).
Choose the color with the spectrum bar (3).
Control the transparency with the opacity bar (4).
Choose the color shade with the main color panel (5).
Select Save.
When you publish with this PDF layout, Paligo will create a PDF that uses the footer rule settings that you have defined.
You can use the PDF layout editor to change the footer table height and widths to suit your requirements.
The table has to have three columns. If you need more columns, it may be possible to achieve through a customization project. Contact customer support for more details.
Select Layout in the top menu.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Header and Footer and then Page footer.
Set the widths of the footer columns in the Page footer table relative column widths field.
There are three values, each representing a column. The default value is 1 1 1 which produces three columns of equal width. You can change any of the three values to allocate the available space differently, for example, 1 3 1 produces a footer where the center column has three times the width of the left and right columns (this is equivalent to 20% 60% and 20%).
Set the minimum height of the footer table in the Page footer table height field.
The default is 14pt. When you enter a value, make sure to include the units of measurement, for example, pt.
Select Save.
When you publish your content using this PDF layout, Paligo will apply the settings to the footer of the PDF.
Use the PDF layout to control the vertical alignment of the content in the footer cells:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Header and Footer and then Page footer.
Set the Page footer table vertical alignment to:
Auto - Sets the content to have the same baseline. This looks similar to vertically aligning content to the bottom of the cells.
Sets the content to have the same baseline. This looks similar to vertically aligning content to the bottom of the cells.
Before - Vertically align the content to the top.
Vertically align the content to the top.
Center - Vertically align the content to the middle.
Vertically align the content to the middle.
After - Vertically align the content to the bottom.
Vertically align the content to the bottom.
If your alignment choices appear to have no effect, try increasing the height of the footer table (see Set the Footer Table Height and Column Widths). At smaller table heights, the difference between the alignments can be negligible.
Select Save.
When you publish your content using this layout, Paligo will apply the alignment settings to the footer.
Use the PDF layout to choose the font settings for your footer cells. You can choose the font family, set the color, spacing and more.
Select Layout in the top menu.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Header and Footer and then Page footer.
Use the following settings to define the font and text spacing settings for the footer table text:
Page footer font family
Choose the typeface for the text in the cells.
Page footer font size
Set the size of the text in the cells.
Page footer font weight
Set the thickness of the text in the cells.
Page footer font style
Use to set the text in the cells to italic, backslant (leaning backwards), or normal.
Page footer font variant
Set the font to display as normal or as small caps. The small caps option turns lower case letters into reduced height capital letters.
Page footer font color
Use to set the color of the text in the cells. You can check the box to use the default color or you can clear the box and choose a different color. Enter an RGB value or select the color block to display a color selector.
Page footer line height
Set the height of each line of text in the cells. You need to include the units of measurement too, for example, px, pt, em.
Page footer capitalization
Set the text in the page header cells to be shown in all full-size capital letters, all lowercase letters, or capitalized (first letter capital, other letters lowercase).
Page footer letter-spacing
Define the amount of spacing between the letters of the text in the cells.
Select Save.
When you publish content with this PDF layout, Paligo will use the font settings when it generates the PDF.
Use the Page footer table cell border setting to add a visible border to the footer for PDF output. The borders can be useful when you are setting up your footer and you need to see the cell boundaries so that you can better judge the cell widths.
The footer is on every page but may appear as a line on the front cover. This is because the front cover footer does not show the footer text and so has a forced block height of 0.
Select Layout in the top menu.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Header and Footer and then Page footer.
Set the border styling in the Page footer table cell border field.
Enter the values like this: "Thickness Style Color" (thin solid silver).
Select Save.
When you have finished designing your footer, you can turn the table cell border off by entering none
as the value.
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