Each user account has an individual page, called My Profile that contains an image, contact details used for the account, time zone information and preferences for notification updates.
The settings you make in My Profile are personal settings divided in four tabs:
General - Settings for profile picture (avatar), changing your password, setting the timezone for your clock and choosing an interface theme. For details, see Edit General Settings for My Profile.
Notifications - Set how and what kind of Paligo notifications that you receive, see Set Paligo Notifications.
API keys - Are used to safely integrate applications with the Paligo API, see API Keys.
You can edit your profile and change the settings to meet your own requirements.
To display My Profile:
Select the avatar in the top right corner.
Select My Profile.
The General tab holds settings for Avatar image, Local timezone , and Interface theme. You can also update Name, Email and Change password.
Select the avatar in the top right corner.
Select My Profile.
Select the General tab.
You can change the following settings:
Profile picture - Upload an image for your profile (avatar). You can use jpg, png, or gif images. It is better to use a square image.
Password - Select the
Change password
link and enter your Current password and the New password in the change password dialog. You will need to enter the new password in the Repeat password field too. -
Name - You can change the name shown together with your avatar image.
Email - You can change the email address that is used for your Paligo user account.
Local timezone - Choose the time zone for your Paligo instance, see Set Time Zone.
Interface theme - Select an interface theme (Ocean or Classic) from the menu, see Change Interface Theme.
Select Save.
Paligo provides notifications about various "events" to keep you up-to-date with what's happening on your Paligo instance. You can choose which notifications you will receive and whether you will receive them via email, Slack or Microsoft Teams (or a combination of those).
The checkboxes for Slack and other integrations are only available if those integrations are set up on your Paligo instance.
Select the avatar in the top right corner.
Select My Profile.
Select the Notifications tab.
If you have the Microsoft Teams integration set up, enter your Microsoft email address in the Username field. This must match the email address that you use to log into your Microsoft Teams.
In the Comments section, choose how you want to be notified about comments that are made in reviews or contributions to topics.
Comment mentions - For a notification when someone uses @ to mention you in a comment.
Comments on followed documents - For a notification when someone makes a comment on a topic. This only applies when you have chosen to follow comments for a topic.
You "follow" comments by selecting All Comments for the Comment Notifications in a review or contribution. To find out more, see Get Notifications About Comments.
Notification frequency - Choose when you will be notified. Paligo can send a notification immediately, daily, or weekly. Set the frequency to None if you do not want Paligo to send comment notifications at all.
To receive the notifications, check the box for how you want to be notified. You can choose Email, Slack, MS Teams, or a combination of those. Note that notifications to integrations are only used if you have the integration set up on your Paligo instance.
To stop receiving notifications, clear the box(es).
In the Followed Documents section, choose how you want to receive notifications when another user makes changes to content that you follow. You can choose to receive an email and/or a slack notification.
Choose how you want to receive Productions notifications.
Production notifications are for publishing events, for example, when content is published to create an output, such as a PDF or HTML5 help center.
You can choose to receive notifications when a :
Production failed
Production published successfully (publication ready)
For each of these, you can choose whether Paligo contacts you via email, Slack, MS Teams, or a combination of these.
Choose how you want to receive Document Share notifications.
You can choose to receive notifications when:
Someone shares a document with you
There is a reply relating to a shared document.
For each of these, you can choose whether Paligo contacts you via email, Slack, MS Teams, or a combination of these.
Use the Assignments - issuer settings to control whether you are notified when assignments that you create are started, finished, or responded to. You can also choose how Paligo should notify you.
Use the Assignments - assignee settings to control whether you are notified when another user issues an assignment to you. You can choose to receive notifications when:
An assignment has been allocated to you, where you are the assignee.
A reminder has been sent to you to let you know you still have work to do on an assignment
An assignment that you were supposed to work on has been canceled.
You can also choose how Paligo should notify you.
Select Save.
You can set Paligo to use your local time zone. If you change the time zone, it only affects your instance of Paligo. For other users, Paligo will continue to use whatever time zone settings they have in place.
It is important that you provide the correct time zone information as the time will be used for events in Paligo, such as the timescales for assignments.
To edit the time zone:
Paligo uses themes to set the appearance of your Paligo instance, including the color scheme and the borders. Currently, there are two themes available and you can use whichever one you prefer.
Ocean which uses a blue color palette.
Classic which uses a black and gray color palette.
To the left - Ocean To the right - Classic
To set your Paligo instance to use a different theme:
Select the avatar in the top right corner.
Select My profile from the menu.
Select the General tab.
Choose an Interface theme from the menu.
Select Save.
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