We recommend that you check the default settings for assignments and change them if they are not appropriate for your needs.
The default settings affect what:
Actions Paligo should take when an assignment begins
Actions Paligo should take when an assignment ends
Notifications Paligo should send to assignees.
There are two ways to access the Default Settings:
The Default Settings for assignments are organized into the following tabs:
General - Applies to all assignments. Use the settings here to get Paligo to:
Review assignments - Only applies to review assignments. Use the settings here to get Paligo to:
Comments - Applies to comments that are left by assignees in your assignments. Use the settings here to get Paligo to:
Contributions - Only applies to contribution assignments. Use the settings here to get Paligo to:
Paligo can automatically archive any comments in the content used for an assignment. The comments can be auto-archived at the start of the assignment or the end. Alternatively, you can set Paligo to never auto-archive the comments.
Use one of the two ways to access the Default Settings:
Select the Comments tab.
Define what Paligo should do with any existing comments When the assignment starts:
Archive comments to automatically archive any existing comments in the content for the assignment.
Don't archive comments to not automatically archive any comments that already exist.
Define what Paligo should do with comments When the assignment ends:
Archive comments if assignment has been approved to automatically archive comments when all assignees have approved the content.
Don't archive comments to not automatically archive any comments that already exist.
Select OK to confirm your choices.
Paligo can automatically switch the status of your content when you create a new assignment. This is a useful time-saving measure, as it means you do not have to change the status manually. For example, if you create a review, Paligo will automatically change the status of the selected content to In Review.
Setting up automatic state changes for the workflows can be convenient, but should be considered carefully. In some situations, it can be preferable to change the state manually, for example, if you have many different variants reusing the same topics. In this scenario, changing the state manually gives you more precise control over the stages of the variants.
See more about the effects of workflow state changes in different scenarios here: Change Workflow for Reused Content.
To set Paligo to change the status automatically when a new assignment begins:
Use one of the two ways to access the Default Settings:
Select the General tab.
Use the Change the document release status box to control the workflow status:
Check the box to automatically change the workflow status when the assignment begins.
Clear the box to change the workflow status manually.
Select OK to confirm your choices.
Paligo can automatically change the state of your content when a review assignment finishes. By setting this up, you can avoid having to change the status manually.
To set the automatic state changes, you must understand the stages of the production workflow: Work in progress > In Review > In Translation > In Translation Review > Released
These are the stages that your content goes through from creation to publication. Your review assignments take place in the In Review stage.
Setting up automatic state changes for the workflows can be convenient, but should be considered carefully. In some situations, it can be preferable to change the state manually, for example, if you have many different variants reusing the same topics. In this scenario, changing the state manually gives you more precise control over the stages of the variants.
See more about the effects of workflow state changes in different scenarios here: Change Workflow for Reused Content.
To set Paligo to change the state of your content when a review is finished:
Use one of the two ways to access the Default Settings:
Select the Review assignments tab.
Check the Change the document release status box.
If you are using Translation Review Assignments, do not use this setting.
It changes the release status for the document as soon as one translation reviewer has responded. This means that the document will be approved even if other translation reviews are ongoing.
Use the drop-down to choose what should happen when the review is finished:
My documents don't need to be translated
Choose this option if you want your content to automatically switch to "Work in Progress" or "Released" at the end of a review (depending on whether the content "needs work" or is "approved").
This option removes the "In Translation" and "In Translation" stages from the production workflow.
Assume that my documents are translated
Choose this option if you want your content to automatically switch to "Work in Progress" or "In Translation" at the end of a review (depending on whether the content "needs work" or is "approved").
Use the When is the assignment finished? and Assignee groups settings to control how Paligo recognizes a review is complete, see Define When Review Assignments End.
To change the state of the content at the start of a review, see Automatic Status Change.
Select OK to confirm your choices.
When you create an assignment, some of the topics needed for that assignment may be checked out by other users. This can be a problem, as it means the assignees may not be able to access the content they need to work on. To avoid this, you can set Paligo to automatically check in the content needed for an assignment.
Use one of the two ways to access the Default Settings:
Select the General tab.
Use the Check in documents box to control if related and reused documents are to be checked in when the assignment begins:
Check the box to set Paligo to automatically check in all related and reused documents when the assignment begins.
Clear the box if you do not want to check in documents. They may be checked out and unavailable to the assignee(s).
Select OK to confirm your choices.
Paligo can automatically send email notifications to assignees to let them know they have an assignment. This is a good way to make assignees aware of their assignment duties, especially if they do not use Paligo for other work.
You can also set Paligo to send an email to the creator of an assignment.
Use one of the two ways to access the Default Settings:
Select the General tab.
Use the Send email to all assignees box to control notification emails:
Check the box to automatically send notification emails.
Clear the box to not send notification emails to assignees.
Use the Send iCal invitations box to control calendar invitations:
Check the box to automatically include an iCal calendar invitation with the notification email.
Clear the box to not include calendar invitations.
This option is only available if you have checked the Send email to all assignees box.
Use the Notify me box to control if an email is sent to the creator of an assignment when the assignment begins:
Check the box to automatically send a notification email to the creator of an assignment.
Clear the box to not send notification emails to the creator of an assignment.
Select OK to confirm your choices.
You can set Paligo to send reminders to unresponsive assignees. The reminder can be a useful prompt to assignees who may have not noticed the assignment or delayed working on it for some reason.
The reminder is sent as an email one day before the end of the assignment deadline.
Use one of the two ways to access the Default Settings:
Select the General tab.
Use the Send a reminder to assignees box to control reminder emails:
Check the box to automatically send reminder emails.
Clear the box to not send reminder emails.
Select OK to confirm your choices.
It is possible to make Paligo automatically create a snapshot at the start of a contribution assignment.
A snapshot is an archived version of the content at a particular point in time. During a release a snapshot is always created but can also be created by a contributor during an assignment or manually created at any time. The snapshots are useful when comparing the content between different versions or for restoring lost content. By comparing a snapshot from before and after an assignment, it is easy to visualize the changes made to the documentation.
To find out more about contribution assignment snapshots, see Compare Contributions.
To set Paligo to create a snapshot automatically at the start of a contribution assignment:
Use one of the two ways to access the Default Settings:
Select the Contributions tab.
Use the Create a snapshot box to control if snapshots are to be created when the assignment starts:
Check the box to automatically create a snapshot when an assignment begins.
Clear the box to not create snapshots when new assignments begins.
Select OK to confirm your choices.
When contributors start working on an assignment, Paligo can show them the changes that have occurred since the last snapshot was taken.
Use one of the two ways to access the Default Settings:
Select the Contributions tab.
Clear the box Create a snapshot to avoid a new snapshot replacing the existing snapshot.
If this box is checked, Paligo creates a new snapshot when the assignment is opened. As a result, the comparison feature would compare the latest version of the content to that snapshot, and the content would be the same.
Use the Enable change preview box to control if a side-by-side comparison should be shown:
Check the box to show a side-by-side comparison of the latest version of the content and the most recent snapshot of the content. The contributor can choose to compare to different versions, see Compare Contributions.
Clear the checkbox if you want to turn off the comparison.
Select OK to confirm your choices.
By default, assignments are set to end on their due date, but you can change this so that assignments only end when assignees respond to them. You will need to decide which is the best approach for your organization.
Use one of the two ways to access the Default Settings:
Select the General tab.
Use the Finish assignment on due date checkbox to define when assignments end by default.
Check the box to set assignments to end on their due date (deadline) even if assignees have not responded.
Clear the box to set assignments to remain open after the due date (deadline) if assignees have not finished the assignment, either by setting it to Needs more work or Approved.
Select OK to confirm your choices.
By default, each assignment ends on the due date that was set for that assignment. This also applies to review assignments, but these also have extra options for controlling what happens when assignees complete an assignment.
Depending on your choices, Paligo will recognize a review assignment has finished when:
All assignees have approved the content
All assignees have responded to the assignment
All members of a user group have responded to the assignment
At least one member of a user group has responded to the assignment.
It is possible to change the default settings so that assignments do not end automatically when the due date is reached (see Define When Assignments End).
To control when review assignments finish:
Use one of the two ways to access the Default Settings:
Select the Review assignments tab.
Use the When is the assignment finished? section to define when an assignment is finished:
All assignees have approved - All assignees must have completed the assignment and set the content to "approved".
All assignees have responded - All assignees must have completed the assignment, but they can have set the content to "Needs Work" or "Approved".
Use the Assignee Groups section, to define what must be in place to recognize that a user group has finished an assignment:
All members have responded - If an assignment is allocated to a user group, it can only be recognized as finished if all of the members of that user group have responded. To respond, they must set the assignment to finished with either "Needs Work" or "Approved" status for the content.
One member has responded - If an assignment is allocated to a user group, it can only be recognized as finished one or more members of the user group have responded.
You can send a user two separate invites to the same assignment, by inviting a user group and also inviting them as an individual user. In this scenario, they only need to respond once. Paligo automatically detects that their response applies to both the user's assignment and the user group's assignment.
Select OK to confirm your choices.
It is possible to allocate an assignment to a user group and also some individual users at the same time. This can result in some more complex scenarios, covered in the following examples.
Example 1. Assignment for user group and users, user group rejects content
Let's say you have the following settings for review assignments in place:
When is assignment finished? - All assignees have approved
Assignee groups - One member has responded
You then create a review assignment and allocate it to a user group plus two individual users who are not part of that group.
The two individual users read the content and approve it. Their assignment work is complete, with the content set to "approved". But the assignment is still open, as the default settings require all assignees to approve the content and the user group is an assignee.
A member of the user group reads the content and sets it to "needs work".
The assignment remains open. This is because all assignees have responded, but one of them did not approve the content:
Individual user 1 approved the content
Individual user 2 approved the content
User group - one user from the group set the content to "needs work", and so the content cannot have "approved" status from the user group. As a result, the "All assignees have approved" rule is not met, and so the assignment remains open.
Example 2. Assignment for user group and users, some user group members do not respond
Let's say you have the following settings for review assignments in place:
When is assignment finished? - All assignees have approved
Assignee groups - One member has responded
You then create a review assignment and allocate it to a user group plus two individual users who are not part of that group.
The two individual users read the content and approve it. Their assignment work is complete, with the content set to "approved". But the assignment is still open, as the default settings require all assignees to approve the content and the user group is an assignee.
A member of the user group reads the content and sets it to "approved".
The assignment finishes as the finishing criteria has been met:
Individual user 1 approved the content
Individual user 2 approved the content
User group - one user from the group set the content to "approved".
The individual users both responded with approved, and a user group member responded with approved too. So all assignees have approved. It does not matter that the other user group members did not look at the content, as the Assignee groups setting required only one user group member to respond.
If any of the user group members had responded with "needs work" first, the assignment would have remained open.
The administrator can control whether contributors and reviewers can access unassigned content with the setting called Access to documents for contributors and reviewers. This setting is activated by default to prevent access outside the assignment.
Permissions is another way to restrict user access.
Sign in to Paligo using a user account that has administrator permissions.
Select the avatar in the top-right corner.
Select Settings from the menu.
Select the System Settings tab.
Control whether the assignee should be able to access unassigned content or not:
Activate to restrict the assignee to only access content within the assignment.
Assignments created from a fork or publication allow the assignee access to content within that publication.
Assignments created from a topic restrict the assignee to that topic.
Deactivate to allow the assignee to access content outside the assignment.
Permissions and User Types controls what the assignee will be able to access within the Documents folder.
Contributors can create new topics as part of their work on an assignment. By default, Paligo will store these new topics in a special folder called "Contributions, <name of user>" and this is in the root of the Documents section in the Content Manager. But you can set Paligo to store new contribution topics elsewhere if preferred.
To change the location for new contributor topics:
Use one of the two ways to access the Default Settings:
Select the Contributions tab.
In the Where to save new topics section, use the browse field to choose the folder for new contributor topics. When a contributor creates a new topic, it will be saved in a special folder called "Contributions, <name of user>" and that will be inside your chosen folder.
Select OK to confirm your choices.
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