When you are viewing content or sending content to reviewers or contributors, you may want certain filters and variables to be in place. For example, if a topic contains information about several products but your reviewer only knows about one product, you might want to filter out the content about other products. Rather than set up the filters and variables separately each time, you can set them up once and store them as a favorite profile. You can then apply the favorite profile when you view the topic or send it in an assignment.
Favorite profiles are associated with the content they were created for. You cannot create a profile for one topic and then use the same profile on a different topic. You can create a favorite profile from the Preview tab and also from the Review View. No matter where you create your favorite profiles, they are visible in both views.
To be able to make Favorite Profiles, you need to:
Be an author or administrator, see User Types
Set up the Filtering / Profiling
Insert a Variable in your content.
When you create an assignment, include a message to tell the assignee which Favorite Profile to use. This makes it easier for assignees as they can choose the favorite to display the content that is relevant to them, without having to understand how variables and filters work, see Choose Profile Settings.
Instead of having to set up the profiling and variables each time, you can select the Favorites tab and choose the profile you want, and select Apply. To stop applying a profile, select Reset.
The favorite profiles can be accessed from the Profile settings option under the preview tab and in Review View.
Favorite profiles are associated with the content they were created for. You cannot create a profile for one topic and then use the same profile for a different topic.
Select the topic or component in the Content Manager to open it in the Editor.
Select the Preview tab in the Toolbar.
Select Profile settings.
Select the Favorites tab.
Select New to create a favorite profile
Enter a name for the favorite profile.
Select OK.
Select your new favorite profile in the Favorites tab.
Select the Variables tab.
Select the variables and variants you want Paligo to show.
Select the Profiling tab.
Choose the filter types and filter values that you want Paligo to apply.
Select the Favorites tab.
Make sure your favorite profile is still selected (its name is in bold when selected).
Select Update in the lower-left corner.
Select Apply.
Repeat this process to create other favorite profiles for the topic (and other topics as required).
Example 3. Favorite profile used for a review assignment
Let's say you have an introduction topic that is reused in the user guide for two different products (we'll call them Acme 100 and Acme 200). That topic uses variables for the product names and has a note that only applies to the Acme 200 version of the product. So that note has a filter so that it can be excluded when it is not needed.
The topic looks like this:
1 is the product variables that are used to swap out the product name, depending on whether the content is for the Acme 100 or Acme 200
2 is the note that only applies to the Acme 200. This note has an
filter with a filter value of Acme 200.
You want to set up favorite profiles so that you can easily switch between the content for the Acme 100 and the content for the Acme 200.
You go into the profile settings and create a new favorite called Acme 100.
On the Variables tab, you set the Acme Products variable to use the Acme 100 variant.
On the Profiling tab, you set the Product filter to use a value of Acme 100.
You then go back to the Favorites tab, make sure your Acme 100 favorite is selected, and then select Update.
Next, you select Reset so that no profiling is applied to your content. You then select New and create a new favorite profile for Acme 200. You repeat the steps for setting up the profile, only this time, you set the variables and profiling to use Acme 200.
The topic now has two favorite profiles in place.
You create a new review assignment for the topic and in the assignment settings, there is a profiling option. There, you can choose to apply any of the favorite profiles that are associated with your content. You choose Acme 100 and send the review assignment.
When the reviewer receives the assignment, they see it with the Acme 100 profiling applied to it, so the variables show "Acme 100" and the note is excluded from the content (as it has a filter to only appear for the Acme 200 product).
If you have a favorite profile that you use for both previews and assignments, you can set it to be your default value, meaning that you no longer need to make any settings or even select between favorites.
Select the topic or component in the Content Manager to open it in the Editor.
Select the Preview tab in the Toolbar.
Select Profile settings.
Select the Favorite tab.
Select the Dotted menu (...) to the right of the favorite.
Select Set as default.
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