Paligo can connect directly to Phrase so that you can:
Export translation packages directly to Phrase from Paligo
Import completed translations directly from Phrase.
To use Paligo with Phrase, you need to set up the Paligo to Phrase integration. You can then follow the translation service workflow. To get started, see Work with a Translation Service.
Paligo has a Phrase integration that allows Paligo and Phrase to communicate directly. This means you can send translation jobs from Paligo to Phrase directly. Similarly, translators can send completed translations from Phrase back to your Paligo instance.
To use the Phrase integration, you need a Phrase account that:
Has the role of a Project Manager (PM) or Administrator.
Has permission to "Modify setup's server settings". This is related to user rights and you can set it up by editing the user profile in Phrase.
Is on a plan that provides API access. Paligo requires API access to connect to Phrase.
To set up the integration in Paligo:
Make sure you have a project in Phrase. When you export content from Paligo, it will be imported into the project in Phrase.
Sign in to Paligo using a user account that has administrator permissions.
Select the avatar in the top-right corner.
Select Settings from the menu.
Select the Integrations tab.
Select Add or Change on the Phrase box.
Enter Username and Password.
Select the Default project used for translation export.
Select Save.
Select Test setting to verify the connection.
You should get a notification that the test was successful, which means that Paligo can connect to Phrase.
Once the integration is set up, you can send content for translation directly from Paligo to Phrase, see Export a Translation Package. Paligo recommends that you ask your translation service to contact you when they have completed their work. Phrase is unable to provide Paligo with a notification.
When the translation is complete, you can import the content directly from Phrase into Paligo, see Import a Translation Package. Paligo automatically matches the translation to the content for the source language. You can then manage the translation and release status for the content in all languages. For details, see Workflow for Translation Services.
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