If your Paligo publication contains a glossary, you can publish it to Zendesk along with your content. But you may need to add it in several places, depending on whether you are publishing to a single category or to multiple categories.
In Zendesk, the glossary does not work across different categories. The workaround for this is to include the glossary in each Paligo section that you are publishing to a different category. When the content is mapped to Zendesk, each Zendesk category will have a working version of the glossary.
To add a glossary to multiple sections in Paligo:
Select the publication to view its structure.
Add the Glossary topic to each section that you are going to publish to a different category in Zendesk.
Save the publication.
Publish each section to Zendesk (see Publish to Multiple Zendesk Categories).
Example 16. Glossary in Multiple Sections for Mapping to Zendesk
Let's say that you have a "Mars Travel Manual" publication and it has 4 "chapters" ("About Space Travel", "Space Safety", "The Mission Control Center", and "Travelling to Mars"). You want to map each chapter to a different category in Zendesk and you want to include a glossary.
As the Paligo content is going to be mapped to 4 categories, you add 4 instances of the Glossary topic to the publication structure, one for each "chapter".
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