To publish content to Zendesk, Paligo uses Zendesk layouts. You can think of Zendesk layouts as templates that define how Paligo will map your topics to sections and articles in Zendesk.
Paligo has a built-in layouts for each type, and you can publish with those. Alternatively, you can Create a Zendesk Layout. The layouts map Paligo content to Zendesk differently, and so it is a good idea to understand the differences before you use them.
The Zendesk layouts you can use are:
Single-Section Zendesk Layouts
Use this layout if you want to map a Paligo publication to a section in Zendesk, with top-level topics becoming articles. Lower-level topics become subsections in the articles. To find out more, see Single-Section Zendesk Layouts.
Use this layout if you want to map top-level Paligo topics to top-level sections in Zendesk, with articles inside those sections. To find out more, see Multi-Section Zendesk Layouts.
This layout is only available if you have the Paligo Enterprise plan and the Zendesk Enterprise plan. Use it to map several levels of Paligo content to multi-level sections in Zendesk, with articles inside the sections. To find out more, see Zendesk Enterprise Layouts.
In each Zendesk layout, there are settings that you can apply to all of the content that is published with that layout. To find out about the settings, see Edit a Zendesk Layout.
A Zendesk Layout is for defining how Paligo features and content are published to Zendesk. They are not used for styling the content in Zendesk (see Customize Zendesk articles using CSS).
You can also use Customize Zendesk articles using CSS and Customize Zendesk Articles Using Javascript to change the appearance and functionality of the content in Zendesk.
If the built-in Zendesk layouts do not meet your requirements, you can create your own. Before you create a Zendesk layout, you should connect Paligo to Zendesk by following the instructions in Connect Paligo to Zendesk.
To create a Zendesk layout:
Select the Layout menu.
Select Create New Layout.
Give the layout a name in the Layout Title field.
Choose the Output Format.The Output Format is the base layout for your new layout.
The base layout defines:
The type of content you can create with your new layout. For Zendesk, you need to choose a Zendesk HTML base layout.
Where the default values for your new layout come from. In your new layout, if you set the value of a setting to Default, it means the value for that setting comes from the base layout. Your new layout "inherits" the value from the base layout. To find out more, see Layout Relationships - Base, New, Duplicate
Paligo has three types of built-in Zendesk layout that you can use as the base layout. Alternatively, you can use one of your own Zendesk layouts, but those must have been based on one of the built-in layouts originally. The three built-in Zendesk layouts are:
Zendesk Multi-Section: We recommend this option for most projects. It sets Paligo to map the top-level topics in Paligo to sections in Zendesk. Paligo's second-level topics are then mapped to articles, and any third-level or lower topics are subsections within the articles.
To find out more, see Multi-Section Zendesk Layouts.
Zendesk Single-Section: Use this option if you want top-level topics in Paligo to be mapped to articles in Zendesk. All level-two and lower topics in Paligo will become sub-sections in the articles in Zendesk. This can result in long articles.
To find out more, see Single-Section Zendesk Layouts.
Zendesk Enterprise: Use this option if you want to map topics in Paligo to multiple levels of sections in Zendesk (sections inside other sections).
To find out more, see Zendesk Enterprise Layouts.
Your choice of layout type affects how topics are mapped to Zendesk sections and articles. You can Customize Paligo-to-Zendesk Mapping to control which articles and sections are mapped to, but the structure comes from the layout.
Select OK to save the layout.
The default settings for the layout are designed to be suitable for most Paligo-to-Zendesk publications. You can make changes to the layout if required (see Zendesk Layouts).
When you have connected Paligo to Zendesk and set up a Zendesk layout, you can Publish to Zendesk.
Each Zendesk layout contains settings that affect your content when you publish. By editing your Zendesk layout, you can change:
How cross-references between categories are handled
Whether Paligo creates sections and articles for topics, or only articles
Whether individual styling can be used for label, number, and title in formal elements
The number of section levels you can map content to (Zendesk Enterprise layouts only).
To edit a Zendesk layout:
When you have connected Paligo to Zendesk and set up a Zendesk layout, you can Publish to Zendesk.
Select Layout.
Select the Zendesk layout that you want to edit. Paligo displays the Layout Editor.
Make your changes to the layout.
The General, Classes and Attributes, and Verbatim (code and software) settings are all common HTML Layout Editor Options.
Most of the Toc and chunking settings do not apply to Zendesk, however there is one exception. If you are using a Zendesk Enterprise layout, you can use the Chunk section depth to Set the Section Levels for Mapping to Zendesk.
The Zendesk settings are specific to Zendesk layouts and you can use them to:
Select Save.
If your publication has topics that contain cross-references to other publications, you should enable the Fix cross-links outside of publication scope feature in the Layout Editor before you publish to Zendesk.
It allows Paligo to resolve links in Zendesk so that cross-references between publications will work in your Zendesk articles. However, it can only resolve links to:
Topics not reused in different contexts - If you have cross-publication links, and the target topic for the link is only used once in the publication, Paligo will resolve the link. This is because the target topic is only used in one context and only exists in one place in the publication.
Topic "forks" reused in different contexts - You may have cross-publication links where the target of the link is a topic that is used in several places in the publication. Obviously, Paligo cannot link to all instances of the topic at once. This is solved by adding a link to the topic "fork" in the publication, instead of linking directly to the topic. A "fork" is the reference from the publication to the topic and you can see them by expanding a publication in the Content Manager.
Expand the publication in the New cross-reference dialog, and select the topic fork (shown as a gray topic inside the publication's hierarchy).
Have been published to Zendesk before - If your publication has links to topics/articles that have not been published before, Paligo cannot resolve the links. The problem is that the content that contains the links (the source) is linking to content that does not exist in Zendesk.
The "source" cannot link to a "target" that does not exist. But there are two easy solutions:
Publish the "target" content before you publish the "source" content.
Publish the "source" content, then publish the "target" content, and then publish the "source" content again.
To enable the Fix cross links outside of publication scope setting for your Zendesk layout:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Zendesk.
Check the Fix cross links outside of publication scope box to enable this feature.
Select Save.
Publish your content to Paligo using the Zendesk Layout you have edited (see Publish to Zendesk).
Example 10. Resolving links between Zendesk categories
Let's say you have two publications in Paligo: "Category A" and "Category B".
"Topic A" contains links to "Topic C" and "Topic E", which are topics in a different publication ("Category B").
You want to publish the "Category A" and "Category B" publications to Zendesk. In Zendesk, you create a category for each publication. You name the Zendesk categories to match the publication names, so the "Category A" publication will map to "Category A" in Zendesk.
You enable the fix cross links outside of publication range option in a custom Zendesk Layout:
(The reason it is not enabled by default is for backwards compatibility).
You publish the "Category A" publication to Zendesk. You use your custom Zendesk layout for the publication and set the destination Zendesk category to "Category A":
You publish "Category B" in the same way, but set the destination Zendesk category to "Category B".
You check the results in Zendesk. At this point, the links from "Topic A" to "Topic C" and "Topic E" are broken. This is because the target articles ("Topic C" and "Topic E") did not exist in Zendesk when you published "Category A". However, Paligo has stored the ids for the target articles.
You publish both publications again, using the same custom Zendesk layout.
(In this example, it would have been enough to re-publish "Category A", as that's the only publication that contained links to another publication. But in a real-life scenario, you might have links back and forth between multiple publications, and so you would need to re-publish each one again.)
The links are now fixed and work as expected. This is because Paligo had stored the destination ids on the first publish. On the second publish, Zendesk contained the target articles, and the links could be resolved, even though they were in separate categories.
Learn how to control whether Paligo creates an extra article for top-level content when publishing to Zendesk.
When publishing content to Zendesk, Paligo automatically creates extra topics for any top-level topics and sub-publications (reused publications). This helps to make sure any content in those top-level items is available in articles in Zendesk. But if you prefer, you can stop Paligo from creating this extra articles.
For a walk-through of how the extra article feature ("Create article for the section topic") works, see the example at the end of this article.
To control whether Paligo creates extra articles for the top-level content:
Select Layout and then select the Zendesk Layout that you are going to use for publishing. If you do not yet have a Layout, you can create one.
Paligo opens the layout in the Layout Editor.
Select Zendesk.
Apply the appropriate value for the Create article for the section topic:
Paligo will generate an extra article for each top-level item (topic or sub-publication). The extra article has the same name and content as the top-level item in Paligo. So when you publish, there is a Zendesk section for each top-level item and inside that, an article for the top-level item as well as articles for the second-level items.
Paligo will not generate articles for top-level items that have child topics (second-level topics). If you have content in the top-level items, that content will be unavailable in Zendesk.
Default to inherit the value for this setting from the base Layout. The base Layout is either a built-in Layout provided by Paligo or another custom Layout, see Layout Relationships - Base, New, Duplicate.
Select Save.
You can now Publish to Zendesk. When publishing, make sure you choose the Zendesk Layout that you edited. Also, use the Zendesk Preflight feature to preview the mapping. To learn more about preflight, see Zendesk Preflight Overview and Access the Zendesk Preflight Tab.
Example 11. Effect of "Create Article for the Section Topic" setting when Publishing to Zendesk
Let's say you have a publication called "Acme Building Control". Inside it, you have reused an "Air Filtering" publication and a "Fire Response System" publication. These are sub-publications. You also have a topic called "Customer Support" at the same level as the sub-publications.
Both of the sub-publications contain two topics and have a flat structure.
You set the layout option "Create Article for the Section Topic" to Disable.
When you publish, Preflight shows how the content will map to Zendesk:
Each sub-publication is mapped to a section and the articles inside the sub-publications are mapped to articles. Paligo does not create any "extra" articles, so if there is content in the "publication topics" for "Air Filtering" or "Fire Response System", it will be unavailable in Zendesk.
Paligo maps the "Customer Support" topic to both a section and an article. This is because the "Customer Support" topic is at the top-level and has no child topics (level two topics). Paligo creates an extra article here, as we cannot publish to a Zendesk section that has no articles in it. (The Create Article for the Section Topic setting only applies to top-level items that have children).
You decide to change the Create Article for the Section Topic setting to Enable. As a result, Paligo maps the content differently, as shown in Preflight.
This time, Paligo creates an extra article for the "Air Filtering" sub-publication and the "Fire Response System" article. The content in these extra articles comes from the publication topics for those publications.
In Paligo, some "formal" elements contain other "nested" elements that are included automatically, such as a title or caption. For example, the example element has a title element nested within it (as well as a para element for the example text).
If you publish to Zendesk, you may want to change the appearance of the "nested" elements in your articles.
To style the "nested" elements, you first need to get Paligo to generate <span>
classes for them, and then you can style the <span>
classes in a CSS stylesheet:
Select Layout in the top menu.
Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.
Select the Layout you want to update or Create a Layout.
You can copy the URL of the Layout Editor and paste it into a new tab in your browser. This can be useful if you frequently switch between your Paligo content and the Layout settings.
Select Zendesk.
Set the Use separate styling for label, number, and title in formal elements to:
Enabled: To set Paligo to create a span element (in the HTML output) for each part of a label, number, or title. It will also create a class name for each span element.
Disabled: To set Paligo to output HTML that does not have span elements for each part of labels, numbers, or title elements.
Default to inherit the value for this setting from the base Layout. The base Layout is either a built-in Layout provided by Paligo or another custom Layout, see Layout Relationships - Base, New, Duplicate.
Select Save.
Re-publish your content to Zendesk, see Publish to Zendesk and then view a Zendesk article that contains an element that has labels, numbers, titles, or captions.
Use the web browser's Inspect feature (Chrome, other browsers may use different terminology) to view the code of the article.
You should see that there is a
class for each part of the label, title, or caption. You can style this class by using CSS. -
Either create or edit a CSS stylesheet and add the styling changes that you want to make. Then add your stylesheet to your Zendesk Assets and make sure to reference it at the bottom of the list in the document_head.hbs template in Zendesk.
To learn about using CSS, see Customize Zendesk articles using CSS.
Paligo has unlimited levels in the publications, so you can have as many topics and subtopics as you want. Zendesk is more restrictive, as it only has one level for articles, and this can mean that when you publish from Paligo to Zendesk, the heading levels do not match. To handle this difference, you can choose how the Paligo topic titles are mapped to the heading levels of Zendesk articles.
For example, let's say you have a top-level topic in Paligo and a second-level topic below it. Paligo could map these to Zendesk as separate articles, and the top-level topic could have an H1 heading in Zendesk, but the second-level topic would have an H2 as it was a subtopic in Paligo. This might seem strange in Zendesk, as you would have two articles but with different heading levels. By using the Follow Zendesk Heading Levels setting, you can avoid this problem.
Select Layout and then select the layout you want to use to publish to Zendesk.
In the Layout Editor, select Zendesk.
Use the Follow Zendesk heading levels option to choose the mapping:
Paligo levels - The
in Paligo topics will map to heading levels that match the structure in Paligo. This can result in articles in Zendesk having different heading levels than expected, for example, you may have a topic with an H4 main heading. -
Zendesk levels - The
in Paligo topics will map to heading levels that match the structure in Zendesk.
Use the arrow buttons to arrange your topics and reused publications into the order you want. You can set them to display as a flat structure or you can "nest" topics and publications so they have a more complex structure, with multiple levels of content, see Organize a Publication.
If you are on the Paligo Enterprise plan and have an Enterprise license for Zendesk, you can map content to many different section levels. So instead of using the standard Zendesk structure of Category > Section > Article, you can have lots of sections, for example, Category > Section > Section > Section > Article.
To control the number of sections that Paligo will create:
Make sure that you understand how content is mapped to Zendesk Enterprise.
Structure your Paligo publication so that your topics are organized into multiple different levels.
Select Layout and then select the layout you want to use to publish to Zendesk.
Select Toc and chunking.
Use the Chunk section depth option to control how many levels of Paligo content will be mapped to sections in Zendesk. For example, if you set it to 3, it means your top-level and second-level topics will be mapped to sections in Zendesk. Your third-level topics will be mapped to articles, and any lower-level topics will be subsections in those articles.
Use the arrow buttons to arrange your topics and reused publications into the order you want. You can set them to display as a flat structure or you can "nest" topics and publications so they have a more complex structure, with multiple levels of content, see Organize a Publication.
Select Save.
When you publish your Paligo content to Zendesk using this layout, Paligo will map your various levels of topics to sections and articles. It will follow the mapping rules for Zendesk Enterprise layouts, where the chunck section depth defines the section levels.
Use a single-section Zendesk Layout if you want your Paligo content to map to Zendesk like this:
The publication in Paligo becomes a section in Zendesk
The top-level topics in the Paligo publication become articles in Zendesk
Every second-level and lower-level topic in the Paligo publication becomes a subsection of an article.
This means that if you have lots of second-level and lower topics in your Paligo publication, your Zendesk articles can become very long (as a single article could contain many topics from Paligo). For this reason, the single-section layout is only suitable for publications that have the majority of their topics at the top level.
Paligo has a built-in single-section Zendesk layout that you can use or you can Create a Zendesk Layout.
When you publish, select HTML as the output format and then select the Zendesk layout that you want to use.
You can use the Zendesk Preflight feature to Customize Paligo-to-Zendesk Mapping to meet your needs.
Use a multi-section Zendesk layout if you want Paligo content to map to Zendesk like this:
Each top-level topic in Paligo becomes a section in Zendesk
Each top-level topic also becomes an article in Zendesk. The article appears in the section for the same topic.
Second-level topics in Paligo are mapped to articles in Zendesk. These articles appear in the section for the "parent" top-level topic.
Third-level and lower-level topics in Paligo become subsections in their "parent" second-level article.
Example 12. Multi-Section Zendesk Layout Mapping
The top-level topics in Paligo (1, 2, and 3) are mapped to sections in Zendesk. Paligo also creates an article for the content of the top-level topics. Here, the image shows Paligo has created a section and an article for the "Introduction" topic (2).
The second-level topics (4, 5, 6) are mapped to articles in Zendesk. Any lower-level topics in Paligo are mapped as subsections in the articles.
If you are used to writing content in Zendesk, it may seem strange to have a topic that maps to a section and an article. Because in Zendesk, you would not add content to a section, you would only add it to an article. But in Paligo, it is possible to have content inside top-level articles, and so if those are only mapped to a section, the content would be lost. For this reason, Paligo also creates an article, and that's where the content of the "section" topic goes.
Remember, Paligo is used for publishing to many different outputs, not just Zendesk. Having content inside a top-level topic is a common requirement for PDFs, HTML, and other outputs.
If you prefer, you can control the mapping so that the top-level topics become sections, but not articles. To do this, edit the Zendesk layout and use the Create article for section topic setting (see Generate Extra Articles for Top-Level Content).
Paligo has a built-in multi-section Zendesk layout that you can use or you can Create a Zendesk Layout.
When you publish, select HTML as the output format and then select the Zendesk layout that you want to use.
You can use the Zendesk Preflight feature to Customize Paligo-to-Zendesk Mapping to meet your needs.
You can use the Zendesk Enterprise layout to map topics in your Paligo publication to sections and subsections (sections within sections) in Zendesk. Paligo has a built-in Zendesk Enterprise layout that you can use or you can Create a Zendesk Layout. But please note that you can only use this layout if you are on the enterprise plan for Paligo and also have an enterprise license for Zendesk.
To use the Zendesk Enterprise layout, we recommend that you:
Learn how the Zendesk Enterprise layout mapping works.
Consider how Zendesk separates sections and articles.
Organize your Paligo content so that your publication structure will create sections and articles in an appropriate order in Zendesk.
Use the built-in Zendesk Enterprise layout or Create a Zendesk Layout. You will need to set the the Chunk section depth to define the number of section levels you want.
Publish your content and select HTML as the output type and then select your Zendesk Enterprise layout. Use Zendesk Preflight to View the Paligo-to-Zendesk Mapping and Customize Paligo-to-Zendesk Mapping if needed.
The mapping for Zendesk Enterprise layouts works like this:
Top-level topics in Paligo are mapped to top-level sections in Zendesk.
Second-level topics in Paligo are mapped to second-level sections in Zendesk.
Third-level and lower-level topics are mapped to articles in Zendesk. if required. But with the default settings in place, only the top two levels become sections, with level three and lower becoming articles.
This is the mapping behavior with the default settings for Zendesk Enterprise layouts in place. But you can use the Chunk section depth setting (in the layout) to control how many levels of sections can be used. The default setting is 3, which provides the mapping listed above.
A topic can only map to a section if the topic has lower-level topics in the publication structure. For example, if a second-level topic does not have lower-level topics, it will become an article, not a section.
Example 13. Zendesk Enterprise Layout Mapping
Let's say you have an "ACME 100 Series" publication and it is going to include all the content for several products in the ACME 100 range.
At the top level, you have topics for each of the products: "ACME 100", "ACME 100X", "ACME 100XE", and "ACME 100SE".
Inside each of those, you have topics for 4 different categories of information: "Installation", "User", "Service", and "Maintenance".
Inside each category topic, you have a maximum of three levels of content. For example, in the "Installation" category, you have "Safety and PPE", then a lower level of topics, and a further level of topics inside those.
In your Zendesk Enterprise layout, you set the Chunk section depth to 4. You then go to the publishing settings, select HTML as the output, and choose your Zendesk Enterprise layout. You then select the Zendesk Preflight tab so that you can see a preview of how your content will be mapped to Zendesk:
Top-level topics, such as "ACME 100" and "ACME 100X" become top-level sections in Zendesk.
Second-level topics, such as "Installation" and "User" become second-level sections in Zendesk.
Third-level topics, such as "Safety and PPE" become third-level sections in Zendesk (as the Chunk section depth is set to 4, so at level 4 the sections stop and topics get mapped to articles).
If you are used to writing content in Zendesk, it may seem strange to have a topic that maps to a section and an article. Because in Zendesk, you would not add content to a section, you would only add it to an article. But in Paligo, it is possible to have content inside top-level articles, and so if those are only mapped to a section, the content would be lost. For this reason, Paligo also creates an article, and that's where the content of the "section" topic goes.
Remember, Paligo is used for publishing to many different outputs, not just Zendesk. Having content inside a top-level topic is a common requirement for PDFs, HTML, and other outputs.
If you prefer, you can control the mapping so that the top-level topics become sections, but not articles. To do this, edit the Zendesk layout and use the Create article for section topic setting (see Generate Extra Articles for Top-Level Content).
When you are planning the structure of your publication in Paligo, it is important to remember that Zendesk separates sections and articles. So in Paligo, you may have a lower-level topic set to become a section in Zendesk. But in Zendesk, that section may not appear in the same position, as sections are shown above articles, see the Example 14, “Order of Sections and Articles in Zendesk”.
Paligo cannot change how Zendesk orders its sections and articles. If you find that the order of sections and articles in Zendesk is confusing for your readers, we recommend that you either:
Reduce the chunk section depth
Reorganize your Paligo publication so that it creates an order that you find more acceptable.
If you use your publication for multiple outputs (HTML, PDF, Zendesk), you can create a new publication that uses the same topics. You can then use the new publication for Zendesk only, and change the organization of the topics to suit your Zendesk requirements.
Example 14. Order of Sections and Articles in Zendesk
Let's say you have a publication with 5 levels of content and you want to use a section depth (chunk section depth) of 4.
In this example, that would mean that:
"ACME 100" becomes a section in Zendesk as it is the top-level topic and it has lower-level topics.
"Installation" becomes a section in Zendesk as it is the second-level topic and it has lower-level topics.
"Safety and PPE" becomes a section in Zendesk as it is the third-level topic and it has lower-level topics.
"Gloves", "Boots", "Ladders" and "Power Tools" become articles in Zendesk. , Although they are at the fourth-level and could become sections in Zendesk, they are mapped to articles as they do not have lower-level topics.
"Head Protection" becomes a section in Zendesk as it is a fourth-level topic and it has lower-level topics. This is where the ordering of your content can become unusual in Zendesk, as Zendesk will display "Head Protection" as a section above the "Gloves", "Boots", "Ladders" and "Power Tools" articles.
To avoid this issue, you can reduce the chunk section depth in the Zendesk Enterprise layout to 3. This results in "Safety and PPE" being the lowest level of section, so that all of its "child" topics appear as articles in the expected order.
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