Learn how to connect Paligo to Zendesk by using the integration settings in Paligo.
Paligo can publish directly to Zendesk, so you can use Paligo's powerful authoring features to create content, while still using your Zendesk help center to support customers.
Depending on the plans you have purchased, you can connect Paligo to Zendesk and set it up to publish to:
A single Zendesk domain (or brand). This article explains how to set up Paligo to connect to a single domain Zendesk.
Multiple brands (subdomains) on the same main domain. For information on setting up Paligo to connect to a multi-brand Zendesk, see Connect Paligo to Zendesk Multibrand.
To set Paligo to publish to Zendesk for the first time, make sure you have made the required preparation, and then complete steps 1-4 below.
To connect to Zendesk, Paligo needs an API key. You can generate the API key in Zendesk and then copy it to Paligo.
Log in to your Zendesk account.
Display the Zendesk Admin Center. (Select the Zendesk Products icon and then select Admin Center).
In the Apps and Integrations section, select Zendesk API.
On the Settings tab, set Token Access to Enabled. This allows you to create API tokens.
Select Add API Token.
Enter a name for the API token in the API Token Description field.
Select Copy to copy the API token to your computer's clipboard.
When you have an API token from your Zendesk account, you can set up an integration in Paligo. The integration allows Paligo to connect to your Zendesk and:
Import content when you first migrate from Zendesk to Paligo
Publish content from Paligo to Zendesk.
To connect Paligo to Zendesk:
Log in to Paligo via a user account that has administrator permissions.
Log in to Paligo via a user account that has administrator permissions.
Select the avatar in the top-right corner.
Select Settings from the menu.
Select the Integrations tab.
Enter the connection details for your Zendesk:
Your Zendesk URL: Enter the web address of your Zendesk.
E-mail: Enter your e-mail address.
API key: Paste the API key into this field. Paligo and Zendesk use the API key to authorize the connection.
Select the Change button for the integration.
Select Test Settings to run a connection test.
If the settings are:
Correct, Paligo shows a green success notification.
Incorrect, Paligo shows a red failure notification.
Check each connection setting carefully, to make sure you have not made any mistakes and try again.
If the connection test continues to fail, contact Paligo support for assistance.
If you have a multi-brand account, the connection test checks all of the accounts provided. The test will fail if Paligo is unable to connect to any of the accounts.
You have now set Paligo to connect to your Zendesk(s).
Now let's publish your content to Zendesk.
Select the dotted menu (...) for the topic or publication in Content Manager.
Select Publish.
On the Settings tab, select HTML.
Choose the Zendesk layout that you want your publication to use.
The different types of Zendesk layout map content to Zendesk differently, so it is important that you choose a layout that meets your requirements. To find out how each layout maps content to Zendesk, see Zendesk Layouts.
Choose the Zendesk category that will receive your selected Paligo content.
Use the Managed by setting to choose which types of user can edit and publish the articles that Paligo creates or updates in Zendesk. For example, you could choose Agents and Managers. The Managed by setting is sometimes called Permission Group in Zendesk.
This setting is applied as the default for all articles that Paligo publishes to Zendesk, but you can have different settings for individual articles as well. The individual settings take priority over the default settings. You set Managed By for individual articles on the Zendesk Preflight tab.
Use the Visible to setting to choose who can see the articles that Paligo creates or updates in Zendesk. The Visible to group is sometimes called the User Segment Group in Zendesk.
Paligo uses the Visible to setting as the default for all articles when you publish to Zendesk. But you can also have different settings for individual articles.
The Zendesk Preflight feature (see step 8) has Visible To settings for each article. The article settings take priority over the default settings.
Select the languages to be published.
If no translations are available, only the Source Language will show. If you have multiple languages translated and approved, you can select which ones to include. Paligo will publish each language as a separate output.
For PDF output you can publish them as one multilingual publication, check the Combine selected languages box.
Select Edit in the Profiling attributes section to apply Filtering / Profiling (Optional).
If you do not want to apply a filter, leave the field blank.
Select OK to add your chosen profiling attribute(s).
Select Edit in the Variables section to apply Variables (Optional).
If you do not want to apply a variable, leave the field blank.
Select OK to add the selected variables.
Use the Output filename section to control the filename.
By default, Paligo will use the filename syntax that is defined in the System Settings.
To change the information included in the filename, enter your preferred format in the publishing settings. Default is:
.You can use:
ID - The ID of the document.
Title - The title of the publication or topic that you are publishing.
Format - The name of the output format, for example, PDF or HTML5.
Edit date - The date that the publication or topic was last edited.
Branch label - The text from the branch label for the publication or topic. This only applies if your content has been branched and it has a branch label. For details, see Add or Edit Branch Labels.
Unique value - A random string of characters, generated by Paligo, that is added to the filename to make it unique. This can stop the file from being overwritten by later publishes of the same document.
Set the Optional Parameters (leave unchecked if you do not want these features):
Save the output in Paligo - Check the box to save the zip file in the Resource View. Clear the box if you want Paligo only download the published output file in your browser.
If you save the output in Paligo, you can download the zip file from the Resource Detail Panel for the publication or topic and then download the zip file from the Saved Outputs tab.
Email me - Check this box if you want Paligo to send you an email when the publication is ready. This is useful if you have very large publications that can take a longer time to process and publish.
Make debug build - Check this box if you want Paligo to include a log file and link report. If there is an issue with your content, Paligo support may ask you to enable this feature so that they can use the log files to investigate.
Select the Zendesk Preflight tab to View the Paligo-to-Zendesk Mapping.
If you are happy with the existing mapping, you can proceed to the next step.
To change the mapping, use the various settings on the Zendesk Preflight tab. You can map the Paligo topics to different sections and articles, change the Managed By and Visible To status, set the topics to be draft or publish, and promote them as needed. To find out more, see Customize Paligo-to-Zendesk Mapping.
Select Publish Document.
Paligo starts processing your content and applies your layout and publishing settings. The time that this takes varies depending on how much content you are publishing (the more content, the longer it takes).
The published output appears as:
A ZIP file with the published output appears in the downloads folder on your computer.
If you have altered your browser's settings to store downloaded files somewhere else, the zip file will be found there instead.
If you are using a publishing integration, the zip file will also be sent to the relevant service.
A link in the Activity Feed Panel to download the published content.
To make the content available online, first unzip the file. You can then use the file locally or you can use an FTP client, such as Filezilla, to upload the unzipped content to a web server.
You can save your publishing settings and reuse them to achieve a smoother publishing process, see Publishing Settings. Any settings you save can also be used for Batch Publishing.
When Paligo publishes to Zendesk, a compressed file downloads in your browser. The first time you publish to Zendesk, you will need to add some of the downloaded files to your Zendesk.
When you publish to Zendesk, Paligo downloads a package in your web browser. The package contains CSS and javascript files, which are used to provide certain functionality and styles in Zendesk. You can add some or all of these assets to your Zendesk, depending on what functionality you want to include.
The CSS and JS files are:
Provides a range of functionality, including "accordion" collapsible sections, syntax highlighting for code, and checklists.
paligo-zd-lightbox.js and lightbox-min.js
These provide the "lightbox" feature, where you can select an image to view a larger version of the image
Provides a popup on the glossary terms in your content. The popup contains the glossary term definition.
Allows swagger/Open API content to be embedded in Zendesk articles.
Adds a sub-navigation menu in the sidebar. This contains links to the sections inside an article. It also makes the menu "sticky" - it stays in view on the page even when you scroll down, and will scroll separately for long articles.
Adds a "Click to copy" option to each heading, so that you can quickly copy the URL for that heading.
Provides the bootstrap framework that is needed for some of the javascript features, such as the glossary popups.
Includes some basic styling to improve the overall look and feel of your articles, and also supports the functionality in the javascript files.
You can use this as a starting point for your styling. But you should check that the paligo-zd.css styles do not clash with any base styles you already have in Zendesk. If the styles do clash, you will need to make some overrides in your CSS or choose which styles you want to include/exclude.
Contains the styling for the "sticky menu" feature that's provided by paligo-stickymenu.js
Contains the styling for the "lightbox" feature that's provided by paligo-zd-lightbox.js and lightbox.min.js.
You can find these files in the css and js folders in the zip file that is downloaded in your browser when you publish to Zendesk.
The first time that Paligo publishes to your Zendesk, you should add the CS and JS files to the Zendesk Assets :
Open the zip file that is downloaded when you publish.
Log in to your Zendesk help center.
Click the Guide Admin icon at the top right.
Select the Customize Design feature, and then choose the active theme and select Edit Code.
Select the Assets folder.
Find the JS > Zendesk folder and the CSS > Zendesk folder in the downloaded package. These contain the CSS and javascript files you need to add to your Zendesk assets. You can ignore the other files in the downloaded package.
Decide on which JavaScript and CSS files you want to use and then add them to the Assets in Zendesk.
We recommend that you include references to: paligo-zd.js, paligo-zd.css, and bootstrap.min.js. You should also include a reference to the jquery.min.js script.
jquery.min.js (this is a script that is provided externally, and the details for this reference are included in step 9).
The other references are optional. But if you decide to use a feature, remember to include all of the files that are needed for it, for example, glossary popups require paligo.zd-glossary.js and bootstrap.min.js, and the lightbox feature needs paligo-zd-lightbox, lightbox.min.js and lightbox.min.css as well as the jquery reference.
In the Zendesk theme, open the Templates folder and then select document_head.hbs.
Add a reference to each file, and also to the "Font Awesome" stylesheet (it is hosted, so there is no need to upload it to the Zendesk assets).
The following example shows the syntax for the references (and assumes that you have not renamed the package files). We have separated the references with comments so that you can see which references you need to include for the features you want.
<! -- reference for jquery script --> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <! -- reference for bootstrap script --> <script src="{{asset 'bootstrap.min.js'}}"></script> <! -- reference for fontawesome --> <link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <! -- reference for "copy to copy" anchorlinks --> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/clipboard.js/2.0.0/clipboard.min.js"></script> <! -- reference for paligo-zd scripts and css. Note that the first two references are for code syntax highlighting and they must come before the reference to the paligo-zd.js file. You can leave those out if you do not want to use syntax highlighting --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/9.5.0/styles/androidstudio.min.css"/> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/9.5.0/highlight.min.js"></script> <script src="{{asset 'paligo-zd.js'}}"></script> <link href="{{asset 'paligo-zd.css'}}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <! -- references for lightbox scripts and css --><script src="{{asset 'lightbox.min.js'}}"></script> <script src="{{asset 'paligo-zd-lightbox.js'}}"></script> <link href="{{asset 'lightbox.min.css'}}" rel="stylesheet"/> <! -- references for stickymenu scripts and css --> <script src="{{asset 'paligo-stickymenu.js'}}"></script> <link href="{{asset 'paligo-stickymenu.css'}}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <! -- reference for glossary scripts and css --> <script src="{{asset 'paligo-zd-glossary.js'}}"></script>
Select Publish to save the settings in Zendesk.
You have now uploaded the relevant packaged files from Paligo into Zendesk, and set your Zendesk article pages to reference the files.
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